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Fall Gathering 2018

Thank you for joining us at the 2018 Fall Community Gathering!

We are so grateful to the members of this year’s planning committee for organizing a lively afternoon full of great food, music, and fun!

An additional thanks to the following departments and offices for their help in bringing together this wonderful afternoon: Dining Services for providing a delicious meal; the Office of Student Engagement for providing the awesome lawn games; the Sustainability Committee for helping make this a zero-waste event; Events Management and Facilities for handling setup and breakdown; EVS, student Green Advisors, and the Office of Sustainability for managing the event compost; and the Swarthmore Campus & Community Store for donating the fabulous raffle prizes.


Community Gathering Planning Committee Members

Anthony Coschignano, Assistant Vice President for Auxiliary Services

Tyrone Dunston, Director, Environmental Services

Susan Eagar, Director, Events Management

Felicite Gibson, Administrative Coordinator for the Dean of Students

Jeffrey Jabco, Director of Grounds, Coordinator of Horticulture, Scott Arboretum

Linda McDougall, Director, Dining Services

Christopher Proctor, Manager of Administration, EVS

Brittni Teresi '19

James Terhune, Interim Dean of Students

Melissa Tier, Sustainability Program Manager

Aurora Winslade, Sustainability Director, Office of the President