Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities. The Title IX Office at Swarthmore College seeks to prevent, respond to, and eliminate all forms of discrimination and harassment in order to create an environment in which the greatest holistic academic potential of students and professional potential of employees may be realized.
Sexual misconduct is a community issue and it takes a community to prevent it. Our campus sexual misconduct prevention and response efforts will continue to be focused in four ways: (1) through campus policies that reflect the federal guidelines as well as campus values, (2) a response/adjudication process that is clear and supportive, (3) ongoing sexual violence prevention and healthy relationships education, and (4) creating a community that is survivor supportive. We will continue to align our practices with the mission and the vision of the College, centering the well-being of our students and the safety of our community, as well as providing ongoing training and programming about sexual violence prevention and Title IX compliance. Please visit our Programming page for more information on how to connect with our Office.
As always, if you have ideas or suggestions, please be in touch.
Bindu Jayne, Title IX Coordinator
Messages from the Title IX Coordinator
"A Message of Hope, Healing, and Unity": Swarthmore to Participate in Event to Stop Intimate Partner Violence
Title IX Office - Policy Update - August 17, 2020
President Smith Condemns Recent Guidelines on International Students
Category: Inclusive Community -
Title IX Update - May 15th, 2020
In Honor of College Gardener Dwight Darkow
Category: In Memoriam -
In Honor of Professor Emerita of Educational Studies Eva Travers
Category: In Memoriam -
An Update on Student Social Events and Community Standards from President Smith
Category: Message to the Community -
A Message From President Valerie Smith
Category: Message to the Community -
Title IX Office Update - February 8th, 2019
Proposed Federal Title IX Regulations Update - January 22nd, 2019
Update from the Title IX Office - September 28th, 2018
A Letter from the President and Title IX Coordinator - July 30th, 2018