Meet Swarthmore
Meet Swarthmore Ambient Video - Students Walking
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You cannot learn passively at Swarthmore.
Since its founding in 1864 by the Religious Society of Friends (aka Quakers), Swarthmore College has given students the knowledge, insight, skills, and experience to become leaders for the common good.

Postgraduation success
1 in 3Swarthmore graduates have earned or are pursuing doctoral degrees
small classrooms
8:1Student-to-faculty ratio
Accessible Faculty
Those moments in conversation when a professor just ‘gets’ you—really understands who you are—they mean everything.
With a curriculum unmatched among liberal arts colleges of its size, Swarthmore offers more than 600 courses and undergraduate research opportunities—from the humanities and performing arts to the social and natural sciences and engineering.
Beautiful Acres - Meet Swarthmore
Recently named the most beautiful campus in the known universe.

Swarthmore’s idyllic, 425-acre arboretum campus features rolling lawns, a creek, wooded hills, and hiking trails. It is located just 11 miles from Philadelphia.
Deondre Jordan '19 - Meet Swarthmore
Swarthmore consistently raises the bar for your personal best while offering the support you will need along the way.

The diversity of perspectives represented by Swarthmore students, faculty, and staff—including different viewpoints, identities, and histories—contributes to the community’s strong sense of open dialogue and engagement with ideas and issues.