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John Johnston '19

John Griffin Johnston '19

I am currently a mathematics PhD candidate at Emory University. I completed a masters in math at Villanova before this. My research interests lie in extremal combinatorics and algebraic and probabilistic methods in combinatorics. I am also a "halper" for Art of Problem Solving Online (AoPS) and a TA for the Awesome Math Summer Program (these are great summer (and year around) job opportunities for undergrad students who love math, by the way).

One small note: I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to study mathematics at Swarthmore. I certainly struggled a great deal in my math courses at Swarthmore (this was no one's fault but my own), and the people, faculty, and professors at Swarthmore were tremendous in their support and encouragement, helping me to learn and grow from these struggles and challenges. The love that all of the math professors at Swarthmore had for their subject was infectious for me and is one of the primary reasons I grew to love math. I am forever thankful for these professors and the department as a whole.