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So You Received a Positive Test. Now What?


  1. Take a deep breath. Check in with yourself. This may be a moment of great stress. It may feel scary and overwhelming. You will likely have a lot of questions and begin to worry about your friends. We will help guide you through this. The Heath and Wellness Support plan created for you will involve several steps and will take some time to complete. So, again, take a deep breath and be patient.
  2. If you receive your results when Worth Health Center is open (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm), call the health center at 610-328-8058. We will initiate your health and support plan.
  3.  If you receive your results when the Worth Health Center is not open, please call the on-call nurse service at 610-328-8548. The on-call nurse will talk with you and make sure (a.) you are physically okay and (b.) next steps.
  4. Most people begin to worry about the health and well-being of their friends and people they may have had close contact with.   It is the responsibility of the person testing positive to notify their close contacts directly.  Guidance for close contacts can be found on this page.
  5. As mentioned before, the Health and Wellness Support plan requires multiple steps to coordinate your care. You will be receiving several documents in your health portal outlining what is going to occur while you are in isolation housing. Please refer to these documents if you have questions. These documents will help to answer many of your questions.