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Wind Ensemble in Fall 2020

Wind Ensemble in Fall 2020

Wind Ensemble will be a remote class this fall, but we have lots of activities planned to keep everyone engaged with the ensemble and playing their instruments! We'll be working on a mix of new and old works by Katahj Copley, Roshanne Etezady, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and George Gershwin.

  • We'll meet on Zoom every Thursday night from 7:00-8:15 pm Eastern. Prof. Hauze and guest musicians will guide us through our repertoire, followed by Q&A and social time including musical games and activities.
  • Students will have access to asynchronous practice recordings that highlight each instrument at a variety of tempos to help them practice while hearing the other parts of the ensemble.
  • Members of the Wind Ensemble will be encouraged to submit individual videos to a virtual Wind Ensemble project that we will release at the end of the semester on YouTube.

Students taking Wind Ensemble for 0.5 credits will be expected to attend 10 out of 12 Zoom sessions (or watch them later if necessary), practice regularly with the practice recordings, and (if possible) contribute to the virtual Wind Ensemble video. You will also be asked to contribute to a course blog, either to share music, reflect on something you've been working on, or reflect more broadly on doing music in this time of crisis.

Students taking orchestra for 0 credit will be asked to attend as many Zoom sessions as possible and (again, if possible) to contribute to the virtual Wind Ensemble project.

Please email Prof. Hauze with any questions.