Swarthmore Musical Theater Project
An Annual Adventure in Collaboration, Artistry, and Scholarship

Dress rehearsal of Guys and Dolls, November, 2014. Photo by Vishnu Gupta '18.
Drawing on the model of Swarthmore's concert production of South Pacific (a special project for the Sesquicentennial) in February, 2014, the Swarthmore Musical Theater Project (SMTP) brings together students, faculty, and staff to collaborate on an annual concert production of a classic American musical. SMTP productions are accompanied by a 30 piece orchestra drawn from members of the Swarthmore College Orchestra and Wind Ensemble. Each SMTP production adopts an interdisciplinary approach to further the understanding of the social and cultural context of the musical being presented, and offers resources for further learning in partnership with Underhill Music & Dance Library.
The Swarthmore Musical Theater Project is sponsored by the Department of Music Dance, with generous startup funding provided by the Office of the President. If you are interested in participating in an SMTP production, please contact Andrew Hauze.