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Arriving in the U.S.

Directions to Swarthmore College

We recommend printing relevant travel information out before you travel to have on hand when you arrive in the U.S.

Taxi (Cab)/Ride Share service from the Philadelphia International Airport

Follow the signs inside the airport to the taxi or ride share pick up locations. Philadelphia airport has free wi-fi so you are able to request a ride share if you have access to the app on your phone. Prices are usually between $35-45. If you chose to take a taxi, they often take cash so we recommend arriving with enough funds to over the ride and tip. The trip usually takes 20 minutes and the best route can be found here.

Train service from the Philadelphia International Airport

SEPTA is the public transportation company responsible for the regional rails (as well as trolleys, buses and subways) in the Greater Philadelphia area. The trip to campus will only use the regional rail lines. This can be a tough route to navigate if you have a lot of luggage and can take a long time, but is the least expensive (approx $15 - bring cash!). The R1 Airport Regional Rail Line picks up at each terminal, follow the signs inside your terminal to the train platform.

From the R1 Line, take the train toward the Penn Medicine Station stop. Tell the conductor that you are changing trains at Penn Medicine Station en route to the Swarthmore stop. This section of the ride will take about 15 minutes. Keep your ticket for the next part of your ride. At Penn Medicine Station, find the R3 Media/Wawa train towards Swarthmore. This section of the journey will take approximately 25 minutes. The Swarthmore SEPTA station is at the bottom of Magill Walk, right on campus. Make your way up Magill Walk towards Parrish Hall (big building with a flag on the top).

Train service from the Philadelphia 30th Street Station

Inside 30th Street Station, follow signs that direct you to SEPTA Regional Rail and take the R3 Media/Wawa line to the Swarthmore Station. Travel time is approximately 25 minutes.

If you plan to take the train to arrive on campus for International Student Orientation, please email Jennifer Marks-Gold in advance to share your travel plans.

Additional Resources

Philadelphia Airport Ground Transportation
Phone: 215-937-6958

Phone: 215-580-7800
Route Planner: