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Exam Proctoring

Student Disability Services recognizes that the logistics of proctoring exams with extended time and locating a separate testing room (if needed) can be challenging during a busy semester, especially if you are working with several students who receive accommodations.  We are happy to offer the following testing assistance for faculty, should you need the help.

Final Exam Proctoring

  • Deadline to request for Spring 2024: April 25, 2024

We cannot, unfortunately, take requests after this deadline due to the time needed to make proctor and room arrangements. 

Professors and Departments that are unable to proctor a final exam with extended time may submit a request for their student(s) to take an exam in testing classrooms that will be reserved for Student Disability Services during the final exam period.  We use student proctors who are trained by Student Disability Services.  Because we have limited space, proctors and proctor availability, we may not be able to fulfill every proctoring request.

To request Final Exam proctoring assistance:

  • Submit an Exam Proctor Request Form by the due date stated above. Please complete one form per student.
  • Submit the completed form(s) via email to Student Disability Services, by fax to 610-690-3350 or deliver to Christine Jackson's office in Parrish West 119.
  • The Exam Proctor Request Form submission deadline is a firm deadline, so that we have enough time to review the requests and organize the logistics.  We will email you and the student no later than one week before exams to go over the arrangements.
  • Questions? Email Student Disability Services.

Mid-Terms and Other Tests During the Semester

If you discover that you or your Department are unable to proctor an extended time mid-term or other test during the semester, Student Disability Services will try to help.  Because of timing, staffing and space constraints, we may not be able to meet every request, but we will do our best to help you find solutions.  At least two weeks before a test, please submit an Exam Proctor Request Form to Student Disability Services via email, fax, or deliver to our office.

Privacy Note for Faculty and Staff

Swarthmore College respects the privacy of its students.  The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) governs all student record information.  All information concerning student disabilities and accommodations is kept separately from student academic files.  This information is confidential and will not be released to third parties without the written permission of the student, except in circumstances involving matters of health, safety, and law.  Information regarding student disabilities and requests for accommodation is available to College faculty and staff on a need-to-know basis.

Please avoid discussing accommodations for students in public.  We encourage you and the student to meet individually to discuss your course and any accommodations arrangements.

Please contact Student Disability Services if you have any questions or concerns.