Periclean Scholar Selection Criteria
- Vision & Scope: Successful applicant teams will propose to work on a communal, regional, national, or international issue to address the underlying causes and conditions of a specific societal problem.
- Mission Statement: Successful applicant teams will have crafted an eight-word mission statement that clearly articulates the goals and objectives of the initiative as well as the direct beneficiaries.
- Team: Successful applicant teams will have at least two student leaders on campus during the life of the grant, preferably from different class years; will articulate the qualifications and unique contributions of each team member; and will commit to completing Training Needs Assessments annually to determine gaps in team composition; and to working with the Periclean Scholar Adviser to identify strategies and opportunities for offsetting those gaps.
- Well-Defined Objectives & Innovative Strategies: Successful applicant teams will have well-defined, measurable objectives as well as innovative, entrepreneurial problem-solving strategies. These objectives should reflect values of the team such as inclusion, fairness, diversity, democracy, justice, and opportunity. These elements will form the framework of their plan of action.
- Feasible Work Plan: Successful applicant teams will demonstrate that their plan of action is feasible, that the team possesses or will obtain the necessary skills and experience to do the work, and that a grant from the Project Pericles Fund would enable them to obtain sufficient resources to meet their goals.
- Evidence of Stakeholder Support: Successful applicant teams will obtain letters of support from others working on this issue or similar issues who endorse the proposed work of and agree to collaborate with the applicant team, exchanging resources, information, and advice as appropriate.
- Sustainability: Successful applicant teams will outline a general plan to build capacity of the project constituents (human resources) as well as the team’s demonstrated ability to conduct fundraising (financial resources) to sustain the project beyond the term of Project Pericles funding.
- Social Impact Measurement: Successful applicant teams will outline a general plan to evaluate processes and outcomes of the project.
- Reflection on Learning: Successful applicant teams will enumerate their individual and group learning goals, as well as how the courses they will take and the project work they plan to do will help to achieve these goals.
- Faculty Adviser: Successful applicant teams will have identified a faculty member—preferably one whose scholarship and expertise is germane to the project at hand—who will serve as a project adviser.