Signature Programs

The mission of the CoLab is to foster community-led collaborative action with Swarthmore College’s local and global community partners. We value ethical engagement, campus-community reciprocity, social justice and innovation, and shared responsibility.
Engaged Humanities Studio
EHS focuses on experiential, community-based, and critical-making practices that combine humanistic modes of inquiry and understanding with extra-humanities disciplines, non-student communities, and/or pressing social issues.
Engaged Humanities Studio
Lang Opportunity Scholarship Program
The LOS Program selects members of Swarthmore’s sophomore class who have distinguished academic and co-curricular achievement, leadership qualities, and demonstrated commitment to civic and social responsibility.
Lang Opportunity Scholarship Program
Lang Social Impact Fellowship
The intention of this post baccalaureate program is to empower recent alumni to continue their projects by engaging stakeholders in systems change activities. Key features of LSIF include: mentoring, training, and funding.
Lang Social Impact Fellowship
Swarthmore Civic Scholars
The program seeks to open pathways for communities and campus to engage, enhance networks of students and community members beyond Swarthmore College, and increase capacity to achieve their civic and social responsibility goals.
Swarthmore Civic Scholars
Chester Community Fellowship
The Chester Community Fellowship (CCF) enhances the capacity of Chester-based community organizations while providing opportunities for student learning.
Chester Community Fellowship