LLS Boston Registration

Register or copy this link into your web browser: https://Swarthmore.alumniq.com/go/LLSBostonFall19
or . . .
Please print this form and mail to: Lifelong Learning at Swarthmore, 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore PA 19081
Name ____________________________________
Class year or other relationship to the College ______________________
Address __________________________________
Phone _________________________________
E-mail __________________________________
Please enroll me in the following course(s):
_______ All in the Family (LLS 191BOS)
Tuition ($620 per person per course): _______
LLS operates at a budget deficit. Any (tax-deductible) gift that you add to tuition will be greatly appreciated. Below are suggested gift amounts, however, we of course appreciate a gift of any amount.
Tax-deductible gift: ____$80 ____$280 ____Other
Total amount: _______
You are not enrolled in a course until we receive payment.
Method of Payment
By Check:
Please make your check payable to Lifelong Learning at Swarthmore and mail it with this form.
By Credit Card
To pay by credit card you must use the on-line registration system that can be accessed by clicking on the link at the top of the page.
Note to friends:
While our Boston program is intended primarily for alumni and their adult family members, our doors are open to friends of alumni when enrollment limits permit. Friends are welcome to register provisionally, which includes payment of tuition by check, until three weeks before the course is scheduled to begin. To do so, send Katie Kuzoian an e-mail (kkuzoia1@swarthmore.edu) and request to be waitlisted so that you are among the first to be enrolled from the waitlist. Three weeks before the beginning of the course, at that time, any spaces not filled by alumni and family members will become open to friends in order of received registration and payment of tuition.