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2018 ACMW Celebration of Women in Computing

Keton Kakkar, Katherine Kwok, and Prof. Ameet Soni

Keton Kakkar, Katherine Kwok, and Prof. Ameet Soni

Katherine Kwok ('18) received 1st place in the Student Poster Competition at the 2018 ACMW Celebration of Women in Computing in Philadelphia (PHICWIC 2018).  Her poster, titled "Transcription Factor Binding Site Prediction Using Neural Networks", presented research done with co-authors Keton Kakkar '19 and Prof. Ameet Soni.  The project uses machine learning algorithms to better understand how proteins bind to DNA in the human genome.  These proteins, called transcription factors, are essential in regulating when and where genes are active in human cells. Understanding their pattern of interactions and uses is crucial to better understanding the molecular basis for disease and genetics.