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Libraries + Student Groups

students gathered around table in study and conversation

How can the libraries support our group?

Contact Outreach Librarian Abbie Weil for more information about any of the opportunities, below! Reach her via email at

Build the library collection

While our acquisition dollars primarily support the curriculum, the libraries want our collections to reflect student interests and will happily consider suggestions from student groups. Use this form for book requests, and this separate form for film requests.

Share information

As she becomes more familiar with the scope and interests of your group, Abbie will be able to pass along additional items of interest such as books, journal articles, and even grant opportunities.

Offer information assistance

Outreach Librarian, Abbie Weil has the expertise to do sophisticated search and retrieval for all types of topics. If your group has a question, she will help find the answer.

Curate an exhibition

Exhibits are a great opportunity to share the ideas, goals, and scope of your group to the campus community and McCabe Library welcomes ideas from student groups. Contact Abbie to discuss your ideas!

Host an event

The libraries have a variety of spaces to accommodate large and small events, from club meetings and book discussion groups to journal launches and author talks. Rooms are reservable on SwatCentral and, for larger events, Abbie canhelp you plan and advertise.

Student Group book purchases

The Library will purchase books to support a book club, discussion group, or other activity planned by the club.

  • The club must meet in McCabe at least once to use the books after which they become the property of the club and/or its members.
  • Please submit your request no less than 4 weeks before your event.
  • Use this form to apply for up to $250 worth of books.

More questions?

Email Outreach Librarian Abbie Weil at