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Academic Dishonesty or Irresponsible Behavior

A high standard of personal conduct is required and failure to maintain such a standard at Swarthmore may be reported to the professional school. The Health Sciences Advisory Committee is responsible for recommending students to medical, dental or veterinary school. Each year the Student Affairs Division reviews the list of candidates for medical, dental and veterinary schools and reports to the Health Sciences Advisory Committee any cases of disciplinary action taken against the student by the College, including formal warnings and probation. You will also be required to list any disciplinary actions on your medical school applications. Medical schools also do criminal background checks on all incoming students; you are required to report all misdemeanors and felonies, including citations for underage possession of alcohol. Do not even consider any form of academic dishonesty or social misconduct. The competition for medical school admission is so great that students who do not have high standards of character, integrity, and behavior are typically eliminated as applicants.