Crime Prevention & Security Services

A.L.I.C.E. (Alert Lockdown Inform Counter Evacuate)
A.L.I.C.E. training is a widely adopted and effective method of active assailant response training. A.L.I.C.E. is designed to empower community members with the skills and knowledge to respond when there is an active assailant on campus. If the police cannot be there in time, we want to help prepare our students, staff and faculty to stay safe until Public Safety arrives. A.L.I.C.E. training takes place on the third Thursday of every month; if you would like to participate, or are interested in scheduling a group session, please reach out to
Rape Aggression Defense Training
The Swarthmore College Department of Public Safety offers Rape Aggression Defense (RAD for Women) and Resisting Aggression Defense (RAD for Men). The RAD system of physical defense is taught at many colleges and universities across the nation. The growing, wide-spread acceptance of this system is primarily due to the ease, simplicity, and effectiveness of the tactics, solid research, legal defensibility, and unique teaching methodology. The RAD system of realistic defense will provide women and men with the knowledge to make an educated decision about resistance. Click here for more information
Bike Registration
Bicycle owners are urged to register their bikes with Public Safety. Decals and an engraving tools are part of this free program. High security bike locks are carried by the College Bookstore.
Campus Patrols
Public Safety provides round-the-clock uniformed patrols of campus buildings and grounds by professionally trained patrol officers. All officers are in constant radio contact with the Communications Center and will be dispatched immediately to the scene of any emergency. As weather conditions, staffing, and operational activities permit, these patrols are also conducted on bike by Public Safety officers. Students are encouraged to call the department at x8281 any time they feel Public Safety can be of assistance.
Campus Shuttles
Public Safety operates the evening campus shuttle, a radio-equipped van that transports students around campus during the evening and early morning hours. Public Safety also administers the student van driver certification process for non-athletic events.
The College uses closed circuit television to monitor public areas in order to deter crime and to assist the Public Safety in providing for the security and safety of the campus community. More information is available in the College's CCTV policy.
Emergency Telephones
Public telephones are located throughout the campus and are connected to a county-wide 911 network for toll-free connection to the Delaware County Communications Center.
Public Safety Auxiliary Patrol Officers provide walking escorts between campus locations after dark upon request. Medical escorts are provided when a student is sick or injured and urgent transport to Worth Health Center is required. They are not used for routine doctor or similar appointments. If Worth Health Center is closed, transports are provided to local hospital emergency rooms.
First Aid/CPR AED Certification Training
On the last Monday of every month from 8 a.m.–noon, Public Safety will offer an adult and pediatric first aid CPR/AED certification training for the American Red Cross. This course is held in the Matchbox. Please contact Public Safety at for more information
ID Cards
Public Safety will issue temporary ID cards in the event a community member loses their card. Admission to all registered social events, such as College movies, Upper Tarble dances, etc., is by valid College ID only. IDs are checked at the door and checkers are instructed to allow no exceptions. Any guest of a student must be signed in with the name of both the host and the guest recorded at the door.
Public Safety officers may request to view the ID card of anyone on campus. If you are asked, please provide your ID.
Lockouts and Jumpstarts
Public Safety officers often assist students locked out of their rooms, as well as community members who are locked out of their vehicles. Anyone needing a jump start is also encouraged to contact Public Safety.
Lost and Found
The College Mail room is recognized as the lost and found headquarters on campus. However, Public Safety will temporarily hold lost items, as will the circulation desk in McCabe Library, the Food Service Director's Office in the Dining Center, the English Literature Department in Lang Performing Arts Center, and the Office of the Chair of Physical Education and Athletics. Valuable items can also be held in the Business Office.
Permits for Bonfires
Bonfire permits and instructions may be obtained from Public Safety here [pdf] and at Benjamin West House during business hours from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A $25.00 non-refundable fee is required for each bonfire permit issued. Fire extinguishers must be picked up at Benjamin West House on the day of and prior to the bonfire.
Smoke Detectors
Fire Safety is a shared responsibility between the Student Affairs Division, Public Safety, the Maintenance Department, and building occupants. Swarthmore began upgrading and modernizing its fire detection systems more than a decade ago. We also began a major retrofit of dormitories and academic buildings to install sprinkler systems. More information can be found here.
Stop the Bleed Training Program
Held after CPR training, the Stop the Bleed training program is designed to help make each of us more resilient by equipping us with lifesaving skills that can help mitigate severe bleeding. This program is focused on raising awareness of the impact of severe bleeding and on teaching people three quick actions that can help control serious bleeds. Contact for more information.
TransLoc Rider Mobile App
TransLoc Rider is a mobile application that provides real time tracking of campus shuttles. View arrival times, set customized alerts, and receive important announcements.
Crime Prevention Tips
Automated Teller Machines (MAC/ATM)
- Never write your PIN number on the back of your card or on a piece of paper in your wallet or purse.
- Do not choose a PIN that uses digits from your birth date, Social Security number, telephone number, or street address.
- Always protect your ATM cards and keep them in a safe place. Treat ATM cards like cash.
- Do not leave you ATM card lying around in your dorm room.
- Immediately notify your bank if it is lost or stolen.
- The bank will never call you and ask for your PIN number.
- Remember, a thief does not need your PIN number to buy item on your card. It can be used just like a credit card.
Credit Card Fraud
- Destroy any credit card that is out of date
- Make a list of your credit cards, their account numbers and phone numbers to report if lost or stolen.
- Keep all credit card receipts for you or your parents to check against monthly statements.
Harassing or Threatening Phone Calls
- Do not include your name or phone number in the greeting on your voice mail
- Hang up if no one answers after your second "Hello."
Harassing or threatening email/IM Messages
- Report harassing/threatening email/messages received on campus to Public Safety
- Save these messages so they can be reviewed by Public Safety/law enforcement
Hate Crimes
A hate crime in Pennsylvania is called "ethnic intimidation." When certain crimes against people (like harassment, terroristic threats, or assault) or certain crimes against property (like criminal trespass, criminal mischief, or arson) are committed AND actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity, ethnic intimidation can be charged.
Identity Theft
There is no guaranteed way to prevent identity theft. However, you can minimize your risks and guard your personal information by following these tips:
- Before you reveal any personally identifying information, find out how it will be used and whether it will be shared by others.
- Ask if you have a choice to keep it confidential.
- Be cautious where you leave personal information in your dorm room or around the office.
- Don't carry your Social Security card with you. Keep it in a secure place.
- Keep items with personal information in a safe place. Tear up or shred information you are throwing away such as expired credit cards.
Laptop Computers
- Always secure your laptop in a locked place when not in use
- Think of your laptop as if it were money. Would you leave your money out unattended on a table in a classroom or the library? If not then don't do it with your laptop computer either.
- Be alert to unfamiliar persons in your area. Report suspicious persons immediately to Public Safety.
Office Security
- Keep your valuables and personal property secured.
- Never leave money on your desk or in your desk unsecured.
- Help protect your property and the property of other by being alert to unfamiliar persons in your area. Report suspicious persons or activities immediately to Public Safety.
Parking Lot Safety
- Be aware of your surroundings. Watch for suspicious persons or activities as you are walking to your vehicle.
- Have your keys in hand so that you don't have to search for them when you reach your vehicle.
- Try to park in well lit areas
- Visually inspect the inside of your vehicle before entering it to make sure no one is inside.
- Report any suspicious activity to Public Safety
Residence Hall Safety
- Always lock your doors or windows to your dorm room when not there.
- A significant percentage of theft can occur due to unlocked residence hall rooms
- Never prop open doors to residence halls. It's not just your safety but the safety of your fellow dorm mates that you will be putting in harms way.
- Never lend your residence hall keys out
Suspicious Persons
Be alert to unfamiliar persons in your area. Report suspicious persons immediately to Public Safety. When investigating a suspicious or unusual circumstance, a Public Safety officer may ask to see your ID card. By showing it, you will contribute to the overall security of the campus.