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March 14, 2016: Errors in Swarthmore College Self-Study on Learning, Working, and Living

Dear Swarthmore College Community,

I am writing on behalf of the Self-Study Action Committee to report that a new version of the Swarthmore College Self-Study on Learning, Working, and Living has been placed on the website; two tables were found to be inaccurate and needed to be corrected and replaced.

Through the work of diligent community members, errors were discovered on Tables 29 (p. 99) and B77 (p. 224, in the Appendix). On Table 29, the errors were found in the bottom two rows, and on Table B77, the entire table was incorrect. Corrected tables:…)

The errors did not affect the reported outcomes or its conclusions. Rankin and Associates, the firm that worked with the College in developing and implementing the self-study process, have corrected their errors and provided a revised final report with these two tables corrected (now on the website). They have also reviewed the remainder of the report to assure us that there are no further errors.

There is still time to suggest solutions and ideas to build a stronger, more equitable, and more supportive campus environment for all persons who live, work, and study here:

Three different round table discussions will be held in Upper Tarble on March 18:

 • 7:00am-8:30am (breakfast provided)

 • 12:30pm-2:00pm (lunch provided) FULL

 • 2:30pm-4:00pm (snacks/coffee provided)

Sign up for Roundtables:

Get a jump start and submit ideas online:

Physical idea boxes can be found at the following locations: Science Center Coffee Bar, Kohlberg Coffee Bar, Sharples Dining Hall, 101 South Chester Road, Matchbox, Shane Lounge, Mephistos Lounge in Willets, 502 Fieldhouse Lane, Parrish Lower Level


all best,

Diane Anderson

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies