Four minors are offered, each totaling 5 credits (courses below plus any other two electives; an elective is any course listed or cross-listed in Linguistics, except for language courses):
- Theory: LING 040, LING 045, LING 050
- Phonology/Morphology: LING 045, LING 043, and LING 052 or LING 025
- Syntax/Semantics: LING 040, LING 050, LING 043
- Individualized: Student may choose five courses in linguistics and provide justification why the courses form a coherent minor.
Linguistics Honors Minor
There are two ways to attain an honors minor in Linguistics. One is to fulfill the requirements for one of the above minors, and then write a single honors research paper (as described under Honors Portfolio on the Majors page) in LING 199 (taken for only 0.5 credits).
The other is to fulfill the requirements for a course major in Linguistics. In that case, your thesis (written in LING 195) will count as your honors preparation.