Linguistics Tri-College Class of 2014
Carolyn Anderson, Swarthmore College

"I Talk It and I Feel It": Language Attitudes of Moroccan University Students
Lisa Bao, Swarthmore College

Applying Translation Theory to a Corpus-Based Analysis of The Count of Monte Cristo
Flora Berklein, Haverford College

Fortis/Lenis Affricates in Colonial and Modern Valley Zapotec
Sofia Berlin, Bryn Mawr College

Shohini Bhattasali, Bryn Mawr College

Sarah Bristow, Bryan Mawr College

An Examination of American Pediatric Policy on Language for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children
Marlon Cooper, Swarthmore College

Karuna Doraiswamy, Bryn Mawr College

Heritage Languages Among South Asian Americans
Ivy Drexel, Bryn Mawr College

Animacy & Topicality on a Scale of Cultural Context
Casey Ferrara, Swarthmore College

Laura Fitzgerald, Swarthmore College

Madison Garcia, Swarthmore College

Spanish-English Code Switching in Slam Poetry
Chaney Harter, Bryn Mawr College

Anneke Heher, Haverford College

Ski Lingo: Iconic and indexical metaphors as the building blocks of specialized vocabulary
Raminta Holden, Bryn Mawr College

Language influence in the acquisition of English by two Italian-speaking children: a case study
Grace Leonard, Swarthmore College

A Comprehensive Review of Methods for Treating Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Katherine Marcoux, Bryn Mawr College

Frank Mondelli, Swarthmore College

A Preliminary Phonetic Analysis of Nasa Yuwe
Maureen Murray, Swarthmore College

From Shibboleths to Shared Terminology? The Divisive Place Names of Northern Ireland
Gregory Nisbet, Haverford College

Syntax and Semantics of Counterfactuals in Mandarin Chinese and English
Kelsey Ryan, Haverford College

Tolkien's Tongues: The Phonetics and Phonology of Tolkien's Quenya Language
Alison Ryland, Swarthmore College

A Phonetic Exploration of the English of Portland, Maine
Joshua Servellon, Haverford College

Cristian Taborda, Swarthmore College

Laura Walker, Bryn Mawr College

Linguistic and Cultural Approaches to Menstruation Taboo and Euphemism
Micah Walter, Haverford College

Morphosyntax and semantic type of noun phrases in Turkish
Congwen Wang, Bryn Mawr College

Mattie Wechsler, Bryn Mawr College

The Stacking Behavior of Valence-Increasing Verbal Extensions and Their Arguments in Shona