Fact Book
The Fact Book contains commonly requested comprehensive and historic information about Swarthmore, and serves as a reference for both internal and external audiences.
The below individual pages are updated as data become available, and so will serve as the most current source of information.
NOTE: Most tables include students who are studying abroad. As the federally mandated reporting (IPEDS) has determined that external reporting (Fall 2016 and beyond) should now exclude these students, these internal Fact Book numbers may differ from some externally reported numbers.
Introduction [pdf]
Board of Managers
New Matriculants
SAT and ACT Scores [pdf]
Graph: Critical Reading & Math SAT Scores [pdf]
New Students (New First Years, New Transfers) [pdf]
Students (Enrollments reflect the fall semester, unless otherwise noted.)
Fall Enrollment Summary [pdf]
Enrollments by Category [pdf] (On Campus and Study Abroad)
Race and Sex [pdf]
Graph: Race/Ethnicity [pdf]
Race/Ethnicity Official Reporting and Self-Identification
First Generation [pdf]
Pell Grant Recipients [pdf]
Athletics [pdf]
Geographic Distribution of All Students - Summary and States [pdf]
Geographic Distribution of Students with home addresses outside of the united states - Summary and Countries [pdf]
Nations of Citizenship for International and Dual Citizenship Students- summary and countries [pdf]
Students Living on Campus [pdf]
Class Standing [pdf]
Study Abroad — Totals [pdf]
Annual, Fall, and Spring Enrollments [pdf]- headcounts
Programs of Study [pdf]
Class Size Summary [pdf]
National Honors and Scholarships [pdf]
Engagement (double majors and study abroad) [pdf]
Retention and Graduation Rates
Retention, Study Abroad, and Graduation Rates, [pdf] Classes of 1999-current
Graph: Retention, Study Abroad, and Graduation Rates [pdf]
While not a part of the Fact Book, you can also find interactive trend information for majors here.
Graduates [pdf]
Degrees Awarded, by Major [pdf], Numbers & Percentages
Degrees Awarded, Detail on Special Majors [pdf]
Graph: Degrees Awarded by Division [pdf]
Graduates' Majors: Honors and Course [pdf]
Graduates' Minors: Honors and Course [pdf]
Graduates with Honors
Alumni [pdf]
Current Alumni Activities [pdf]
Applicants to Medical School [pdf]
Doctorates Awarded to Graduates, FY 2022 [PDF]
doctorates awarded to graduates, fy 2021 [pdf]
doctorates awarded to graduates, fy 2020 [pdf]
Doctorates Awarded to Graduates, FY 2019 [pdf]
Doctorates Awarded to Graduates, FY 2018 [pdf]
Faculty and Staff
Technology Resources
Financial Information
Tuition, Housing, Food, & Fees [pdf]
Graph: Financing a Swarthmore Education: Cost Per StudenT [pdf]
Financial Aid Statistics [pdf]
Operating Budget Results [pdf] (Revenues and Expenditures)
Balance Sheet Summary [pdf]
Endowment and Debt [pdf]
Graph: Growth and Distribtuion of Endowment [pdf]
Annual Gifts [pdf]