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AOC Events

Alumni gather in the Intercultural Center during Alumni Weekend 2019. A person in an orange shirt is laughing with alumni who have their backs to the camera.

Upcoming Events

AOC Global Citizenship Lecture series 

With the recent rise of right-wing populism and nativism around the world, it has never been more important to develop our global awareness and to act as responsible global citizens. But what does that mean in the 2020s, and in the wake of COVID-19? How have Swarthmore alumni of color been using their education and experiences, and how can they apply their expertise in careers and biographies to contribute broadly to understanding and cooperation, on the local, national, and international level? 

The AOC Committee is looking for alumni of color who are committed, professionally or otherwise, to international cooperation for a planned lecture series. The series aims to share our experiences and expectations about how we alumni can promote global understanding and dialogue across borders and boundaries in a great variety of careers and contexts. By learning from each other, the AOC community and current students will hopefully be inspired to live and contribute as good citizens of the world.

Please contact Kira Alvarez ’05 at if interested in participating.

Want to host an event?

All it takes is picking the date, time, and topic. We'll put it on our website, send out registration information, and set up the Zoom. Once the date rolls around, you'll help greet folks and keep the conversation going. Fill out our "Say Hello" Google form to let us know you're interested!

Consider hosting a...

  • virtual happy hour of coffee break. We're all getting Zoom fatigued, but this could be a great way to get to know fellow Swarthmore Alumni of Color informally. 
  • one-book book club. All of the fun of reading and Swattie discussion without the long-term commitment. Personal cheese board optional, but encouraged. 
  • demonstration of your unique skills or knowledge. Share research interests, professional expertise, personal knowledge, interesting hobbies, or teach us how to make your favorite family recipe. Help coordinate the speaker or demonstration and lead any Q&A. 

Please plan at least five weeks in advance to allow for proper preparation for your event.

Past events

Mentoring Roundtable

Monday, Oct. 12, 2020
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2020

We hosted two roundtables in exploration of establishing an Alumni of Color mentorship program. This information session is to learn more about what alumni would be willing and able to contribute as mentors.

Curating a Diverse Children's Bookshelf

Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2020

Find yourself wanting to buy a kid's book by or about LGBTQ+ people and people of color, but have no idea where to begin? Children's book authors Emma Otheguy ’09 and special guest Lil Miss Hot Mess '06 shared resources for discovering new books for readers age 0–12 years and some of their top book recommendations. This event was hosted by the Swarthmore Alumni of Color and the LGBTQ+ Alumnx Network, and open to all alumni who wish to attend. Check out the list of recommendations!

A Conversation: Navigating U.S. College Culture as an International Student

Sunday, Dec. 6, 2020

Swarthmore international students navigate a unique set of challenges, and the COVID-19 pandemic has added new worries and problems. How can the Swarthmore community support international students during this time? Join Kira Alvarez ’05 and panelists Ferial Berjawi '19, Giridhar Srinivasan '98, Mary Jean Chan '12, Nana Opoku '14, and Theresa Ng’andu '19.