NSE Division - Summer Research Opportunities
The sources and the criteria for the various fellowships and grants are outlined below:
Coordinator: Nick Kaplinsky, Department of Biology, Division Chair of Natural Sciences and Engineering (nkaplin1@swarthmore.edu)
View the list of opportunities available through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Division
Informational sessions for the NSE Departments are listed here
Fellowship Conditions
The standard fellowship for a research project lasting ten weeks is $6,000. These research grants and fellowships are intended to allow students to engage in full-time research and to relieve students of the need to seek other employment during the summer. Therefore, a condition of the acceptance of any fellowship is that the student agrees to engage in full-time research for ten weeks and not to pursue other paid work on campus during the summer.
Moreover, a student may not receive more than the equivalent of one full stipend ($6,000) during a single summer from any combination of College sources. This includes scholarship awards and other Swarthmore College fellowship programs, for example, the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship program, Evans Scholars, and the Summer Social Action Award (S2A2). Students who receive financial aid or fellowships from non-Swarthmore sources should also check whether the terms of their awards limit their eligibility for a Swarthmore summer stipend.
Although all students working on NSE projects over the summer are welcome, those students who remain at Swarthmore for on-campus work are encouraged to participate in one of the College's summer initiatives, the Science for Kids program.
Furthermore, all students receiving a summer research fellowship are required to submit a report at the end of the summer about their research activities. Students should submit their reports to Debbie Thompson in the Office of the Provost no later than the first Friday after classes begin for the Fall Semester. You will receive an email at the end of the summer with instructions on how to submit your report.
Students receiving summer research fellowships from any of these sources are expected to cooperate with requests from College offices to participate in surveys designed to assess their research experience.
Summer Research Abroad
For students whose proposed projects take place abroad:
NOTE: Summer opportunities may be limited due to COVID-19. See application materials for more information.
Students who plan on conducting research or engaging in an international experience are required to complete a Travel Registry with the Global Engagement Office. In addition, students must complete a Summer Pre-Departure Orientation program, and complete a travel health consultation by the Worth Health and Wellness Center. As part of the proposal, students must indicate all countries they plan to travel to as part of their project. Students must contact the Global Engagement Office if their proposed project is in a country for which a Level 3 or Level 4 travel advisory has been issued (www.travel.state.gov/content/), or if they plan to travel to a portion of a country with a level 1 or 2 travel advisory that has increased risks. In these cases, additional vetting of the project proposal is necessary before permission and funding will be granted. Successful applicants will receive information about these requirements and a timeline for completion.
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Please visit the IRB website for information about the IRB submission and review process, guides for preparing a submission for IRB review, and training requirements for human subjects research.
The IRB has created a web-based survey to help you determine if your project may require IRB review. Please visit the IRB website to learn more and to access the survey at http://www.swarthmore.edu/institutional-review-board/human-subjects-research-decision-guide.
If you have questions or need assistance in navigating the IRB submission process, please contact Jena Fioravanti at jfiorav1@swarthmore.edu.
Tax Information
Taxes are not withheld from fellowship awards, nor does the College report the award to the IRS; however, it is considered income to the recipient. When filing your tax return, the amount of the grant should be reported. Please consult a tax professional if you have questions or require assistance.
Contact Information
If you have any general application questions, please contact Corey Falls, (cfalls1@swarthmore.edu or x8085)