Sound and Video

Yamaha CL5
A Yamaha QL1 is available for use at FOH position for a smaller footprint in the house. It is recommended for shows of 16 channels or less.
Qlab4 run from a current Mac Pro, OSx10.*
- Audio interface -Dante Virtual Soundcard
- In FOH position, all playback is from a current Mac Mini, OSx10.* Also Dante Virtual Soundcard.
- Points of delivery should be detailed in a document defining number and placement if the standard House Package is not sufficient
The sound desk is usually located in the main booth. If necessary, there are parallel connections house center for FOH mix/playback. *Row G center on seating chart
- NOTE: If the event requires FOH position of the console and playback, the request must be specified and approved at least one month prior to the event
Speakers and Processing
FOH Mains - Meyers Galileo 816 (current firmware and Compass) drives 3 CQ-1s stationary LCR with two surface mounted Meyers 650 subs just left and right of proscenium edge.
- LCR is filtered, assigned crossover to subs, and sum-mixed in the Galaxy house settings.
- On-stage Monitors - Labgruppen 2400 quattro drives 4 Tanoy V12s flown from stage booms: 2 down-stage and 2 up-stage
- Additional fill speakers and stage wedges are available upon request and approval. All are of equal quality as the above.
- If additional speakers are needed, full speaker inventory can be discussed in detail by contacting our Audio and Video Supervisor, Scott Burgess
- Points of delivery should be detailed in a document defining number and placement if the standard house speaker package is not sufficient.
- The standard house system has 8 channels of Shure ULXD connected via Dante.
- We have a full compliment of high-end mics (wired and wireless) appropriate for any situation in the room. This includes 6 Crown 160 PCCs.
- Full microphone inventory can be discussed in detail by contacting our Audio and Video Supervisor, Scott Burgess
- We have a full compliment of high-end active and passive Radial and BSS, Whirlwind direct boxes
Main Projector
- Panasonic PT-RZ12K
- Lens spec'd to cover our entire back wall viewing surface
- Switcher/Scaler
- Analog Way Pulse 2 (with pls350 controller)
- Communicates to projector via Extron Foxbox 500 optic duo to DVI input
- Playback achieved through Qlab4 or Isadora
Additional Information
- Our hard cyclorama is treated with Paint On Screen S1 Ultimate Contrast. Please see house drawings for exact dimensions of the cyc.
- Any additional projectors or other video input must be specified, discussed, and approved upon such time as delivery of all other design paperwork is due
Scott Burgess is the A1/V1 of the Lang Performing Arts Center. His normal Office hours are Tuesday through Thursday (sometimes Friday), 10am - 5pm. Please contact Scott with any questions or special requests regarding audio and video in the LPAC. He may be contacted at:
Email -
Phone - 610-328-8112