What We Do

Inclusive Excellence Fellows Around Campus
Artivism Event, spring 2024
Through the Sustainability Project, the Fellow invited the Swarthmore Community to create art around themes of nature and activism. Those in attendance shared how much they enjoyed the experience. Led by Bidhata Pathak.

Artivism Event Advertisement
Bringing Together International Students, spring 2024
During the year, the Fellow formulated the concept of requesting letters from alumni in an effort to offer insight to current international students about life at Swarthmore. During senior week, international students had an opportunity to come together and write letters about their experiences at Swarthmore College that will be shared with the Swarthmore international student community. This will be an annual opportunity. The goal is to create a website source with this information. Led by Michael Ugwe.
Bulletin Board for Resident Assistants, spring 2024
The initiative resulted in circulation of a bulletin board design that was used by more than 5 Resident Assistants and the Career Services Office, generating a direct outreach to nearly 150 students, and set foundations for future collaborations between IEFI project, Career Services, and Residential Communities. Led by IE Fellow Aashish Panta.

Make the Most of Your Summer Bulletin Board
Community Survey & Social Life Toolbox, spring 2024
This second year project aimed to enhance student social life on Swarthmore College's campus by developing an inclusive toolkit. Conducted over one hundred and fifty interviews and focus groups with a diverse group of students to gain insights into their experiences and perspectives regarding student social life. The resulting toolkit includes a range of recommendations for enhancing both structured and unstructured programming on campus, with a focus on improving accessibility and inclusivity. Led by Myadaggarav Chuluundorj.

A Toolbox for Swat Student Social Life
Focus Groups on Voting, spring 2024
This project worked to gain perspective on what students of different marginalized identities thought of voting through conversations that focused on the difficulties of modern disenfranchisement tactics and on voting’s effectiveness as a means of civic engagement. The three conversations were with Swarthmore Disability Association, First Generation Low Income Council, and Swarthmore Pan Asian Association. The qualitative data discovered was shared with the Get Out the Vote Committee. Led by IE Fellow Madeline “Joe” Fox.
A Framework for Training & Three Programming Sessions for Writing Associates, spring 2024
An opportunity for Writing Associate Fellows to engage in metacognition about what role they want to occupy in all aspects of their work as Writing Associates especially around DEI topics. The framework will now be used by the program to continue educating WAs. Led by IE Fellow Lena Habtu.
Good Trouble & Good Eats, spring 2024
This project sought to engage students, faculty, and staff at Swarthmore in three constructive conversations about identity and belonging within the context of food to ultimately develop a new understanding of how food practice can serve as a tool to tear down barriers and create meaningful relationships. These conversations were attended by twelve participants and one of the sessions was held in a faculty member’s home. Led by IE Fellow Sophia Cacares.

During a dinner, participants serve themselves dinner.
Survey About Spirituality on Campus, spring 2024
This project sought to find out how students on campus generally define and perceive spirituality and how they feel that Swarthmore campus climate affects their connection with and expression of their own spirituality. This survey was filled out by 207 students. The data from the survey was shared with the Interfaith Office. This office is using the information to develop a project for the coming year. Led by IE Fellow Laura Wentzel.
Zine Creation, fall 2023
After doing extensive research on Lenape history, students created a collection of zines to be disseminated via the libraries which highlight Lenape arts and culture and a grant writing plan for the 2024 fall semester. This art piece will share the Lenape land acknowledgement in a creative way and will depict the different historical perspectives.

Alumni Panel for International Students, Spring 2023
On March 27, the Inclusive Excellence Fellows Initiative presented a virtual alumni panel of former Swarthmore international students for current and incoming 1st year students. Discussions included exploring career options during and after college, with particular attention paid to the unique circumstances of international students. The virtual event featured Q&A and breakout room sessions.
Intercultural Center "Emerging Leader Award", Spring 2023
On April 20, fellow Aashish Panta received the "Emerging Leader Award" during the 2023 annual Intercultural Center (IC) awards ceremony. Panta was selected in recognition of significant leadership potential for his work on the IEFI project "Inclusion at Work: Diversity in Careers" which helps to advance and promote the goals and beliefs of the IC. In Panta's own words, "I am thankful to the IEFI team and my project advisor Erin [Massey] for their guidance and support during the project. The award has inspired me to reflect on my role as an IEFI fellow in the past year, and to continue advocating DEI at Swarthmore."

IE Fellow Aashish Panta displays his "Emerging Leader Award" Photo provided by: Aashish Panta
Queer Crafting Activity at New Student Orientation Week, Fall 2022
As direct result of an IE Fellows conducted survey for the "We were always here" project, orientation week of fall 2022 featured a Queer Crafting activity with Tiffany Thomson, Associate Dean of Inclusive Excellence and Maggie Hussar, Assistant Director of the Intercultural Center. The event gave incoming students an opportunity to meet staff and learn about LGBTQ+ programs and services while crafting queer and trans accessories.
According to Tiffany Thomson, also an IEFI project advisor, "From [the IEFI] survey, we discovered that many students did not know how to find other LGBTQ+ students and resources during their first weeks at Swarthmore. Students expressed wishing there was something during orientation week to help find each other. As a result, we successfully piloted a Queer Crafting event for the class of 2026 orientation week. First years and transfers gathered to create colorful bracelets, pins, origami, and collages while developing community with other LGBTQ+ in-coming students."
Initiative Development / Assessment and Current Events Project
Beginning in 2020, IE Fellow Laura Hirai '22 created the assessment infrastructure for IEFI that is still in use today. This rubric embeds DEI measurables into project management and assessment tools.
Excellence in NSE: Peer Inspired Support Tools for Academic Success Project
IE Fellow Hannah Holt '22 created an NSE Student Success toolkit for students in Natural Sciences and Engineering (NSE) that continues to be accessible on the college's academic success website.
Anti-Racism Project
IE Fellow Destiny Rosulme '24 developed and implemented a series of community conversations with students, faculty, and staff on anti-racism.
We’ve Always Been Here: History of LGBTQ+
This project has documented the history of the LGBTQ+ population at Swarthmore in order to plan for future support and resources for LGBTQ+ students. Building upon data collected by IE Fellows Toan Cao '22 and Michelle Schremp '25, fellow Julie Stern '26 brought in alumni to build upon prior research and give perspective on ways to continue to support students at and beyond Swarthmore.
Belonging and Mental Health
Led by Prince Tardeh '25, the college celebrated its first annual World Mental Health Day event on October 20, 2022 and continues to be held annually. The event featured a discussion on mental health with keynote speakers L. Simone Collins, Director of Counseling and Psychological Services, Josh Ellow, Alcohol & Other Drugs Counselor and Educator, and Allison Shan '23. Also included were wellness activities, healthy snacks, and a dog-friendly Walk for Health.
The event, along with a separate Orientation Week brochure for FLI (First Generation and Low Income) and international students, were the result of focus groups held with FLI and international students to gain an understanding of what the college can offer to create a greater sense of belonging and community for students.
IE Fellow Nzana Thillot '25, expanded upon the project research to identify student preferences for alternative counseling methods, including open discussion and activities. This led to "Hearts & Crafts" a partnership with CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services)

Intersectional Sustainability
In 2022, Pedro Cruz '25 assisted the college's Office of Sustainability with Earth Day activities and raising awareness of campus environmental issues.
Power the Narrative Through Art (P9)
Since IEFI's inaugural year, the P9 "Book Club" has highlighted underrepresented artists on campus via regular, pop-up visual and performative arts programming and exhibitions for students, faculty, and staff.
Voting and Inclusion at Swarthmore
Initiated by Kilin Tang '25, this project created a process for Swarthmore students using a preferred name to acquire an alternate college issued OneCard ID that is accepted at Pennsylvania polling places. Tang also increased inclusivity on Pennsylvania polling forms by advocating for a non-binary option on voter registration forms.
Inclusion at Work: Diversity in Careers
After interviewing underrepresented Swarthmore students to learn how Career Services could be more accessible, IE Fellow Aashish Panta '26 partnered with Career Services to form regular student trips to The Wardrobe (formerly Career Wardrobe) in Philadelphia to obtain free and low cost work attire. Panta also worked to provide additional support with resume writing and workshops for underrepresented students.
Good Trouble & Good Eats
In the 2022 - 2023 cohort, Heidi Berger '25 gathered students, faculty, and staff for a five session progressive dinner to discuss and develop DEI skills in facilitation and dialogue.
Radical Practice of Care
With the ultimate goal of providing a toolkit of support for students, this project looks at causes of burnout associated with student activism and potential avenues for the college's health and wellness teams to offer relevant support.
Inclusion at the Core: A Toolkit for SWAT Student Social Life
IE Fellow Mya Chuluundorj '26 interviewed 100+ students to learn what makes them feel included in social events and student organizations in order to develop a toolkit for Swarthmore student social life.
Community at the Commons
In advance of the opening of the college's new Sharples Community Commons, Romina Quinn '25 worked with the Office of Student Engagement to gain insight on how to make the new campus social space more inclusive for student use.