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General Policies

Swarthmore College has implemented the following policies to ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff using College owned or rented vehicles and/or golf carts. The Fleet Management program is intended to promote driver responsibility, ensure easy access to vehicles, and decrease motor vehicle accidents, personal injuries, and property damage. The College recognizes that transportation emissions account for 26% of the institution's total emissions. In order to meet our carbon neutrality goals, transportation related emissions need to be significantly reduced. Thus, this policy is intended to promote sustainable transportation practices for faculty, students, and staff and encourage the use of public transportation whenever possible. This policy is applicable to all drivers using vehicles provided by the College, whether purchased, leased, loaned, or rented. The policy is also applicable to personal vehicles, where indicated. 

The Fleet Management office manages all aspects of the campus fleet, including vehicle reservations and sharing, driver certification, motor vehicle record checks, and the fuel card program. In addition, it coordinates vehicle repairs and maintenance, vehicle acquisition and disposal, and procurement of loaner vehicles, in conjunction with our partner Interstate Fleet Services.  

The goal of the Fleet Management office is to maximize the use of campus vehicles (minimizing the number of vehicles the College must own/lease), support the College’s commitment to sustainability by reducing our community’s transportation-related carbon footprint, ensure the safety of those operating a College vehicle, and allow easy access to  vehicles for students, faculty, and staff when needed for College purposes.

All those reserving campus fleet vehicles are expected to familiarize themselves with these policies as part of the driver certification process.

6. Reserving Vehicles
  • Vehicles must be reserved using the Swat Central reservation system.
    • Driver certification is required before being able to use this system. Please see section 1 for details.
    • Requests for the use of a vehicle in Swat Central must be made at least 48 hours in advance but can be made up to six months in advance. The reservation request is not a guarantee that your reservation has been secured. Fleet Management will need to confirm all reservation requests.
    • The person who will be driving the vehicle is required to make the reservation.
  • All long-term or recurring needs must be coordinated with Fleet Management in advance.
  • Fleet Management will work to ensure that all vehicle needs are met with proper advanced notice. There is no guarantee that the request can be approved, given vehicle inventory. In order to meet certain requests, Fleet Management may need to acquire a vehicle through a short term lease or rental company. Fleet Management will cover the cost of acquiring these vehicles under most circumstances.
  • In the event of inclement weather or other situations as determined by the College, vehicle reservations may need to be adjusted or canceled with limited or no notice.
2. Individuals With A Valid Foreign Driver's License
  • Individuals with a valid foreign driver's license must have had that valid license for at least 2 years
    • An international driving permit is strongly recommended, but not required.
  • After 1 year from the date of entry into the United States, or upon expiration of their foreign license, whichever comes first, the individual must obtain a valid US state issued driver’s license in order to continue operating College vehicles.
  • A road test will be required for anyone who holds a valid foreign driver’s license to operate any type of College vehicle.
  • If available, a MVR (Motor Vehicle Record) check will be administered.
4. Notification Responsibility
  • If you are a certified driver operating a College vehicle for work, you must notify Fleet Management and your supervisor within 24 hours of the following:
    • Any change in the status of your license (suspension, revocation, expiration, etc).
    • Any at-fault accident or major moving violation resulting in points being added to your driving record. This includes accidents involving either a Swarthmore College vehicle or a personal vehicle.
    • Failure to promptly notify your supervisors of these changes to your driving record within the required 24-hour period will result in a final written notice.
    • If a staff person's license is suspended or revoked and driving is an essential duty of the individual's position, the College may end the employee's employment without notice.
    • It is the supervisor's responsibility to inform Human Resources immediately upon notification from the staff member.
  • Certified drivers who wish to reserve a College vehicle are also required to notify Fleet Management of the above before making their reservation.
3. Motor Vehicle Grading Criteria

The number of at-fault accidents are considered over the past three years.

Minor Moving Violations 0 Accidents 1 Accident 2 accident

3+ accidents

0 Clear Acceptable Borderline Deny
1 Acceptable Acceptable Borderline Deny
2 Acceptable Borderline Deny Deny
3 Borderline Deny Deny Deny
4+ Deny Deny Deny Deny
Any Major Violations Deny Deny Deny Deny

Minor violations generally include:

  • Failure to meet motor vehicle equipment, load, or size requirement
  • Failure to display/improper display of license plates
  • Failure to sign or display registration
  • Failure to have a valid driver’s license in possession (if a valid license exists)
  • Failure to maintain an insurance verification card with vehicle
  • Any moving violation other than the major violations listed below.

Major violations generally include:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol / drugs
  • Failure to stop / report an accident
  • Reckless driving / speeding contest
  • Driving while impaired
  • Making a false accident report
  • Homicide, manslaughter, or assault arising out of the use of a vehicle
  • Driving while license is suspended or revoked
  • Careless driving
  • Attempting to elude a police officer
  • Verbal or physical assault on another vehicle operator

The College standards for continued employment are as follows:

  • Driving records must remain “clear” or “acceptable” for continued employment in a position for which driving is a main responsibility.
  • Any major violation is automatically a “deny”.
  • Any violations need to be reported to both your supervisor and Human Resources immediately for review and depending upon the nature of the violation, you may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
10. Vehicle Registration and State inspections
  • All vehicle registrations will be managed and maintained through Fleet Management.
  • All required state inspections will be managed and maintained by Fleet Management.
12. Fuel Card Program
  • Each vehicle will have a fuel card in the glove box and certified drivers will be given a PIN to use this card. In addition to the PIN, vehicle mileage will need to be entered at the pump. Instructions will be provided with the card.
  • The card can be used at any fueling station, but whenever possible, Sunoco is preferred due to the rebates offered for this program.
  • Fuel card costs are currently paid by Fleet Management. Periodic analysis of the fuel card program may eventually warrant costs being billed back to the departments responsible for the costs.
  • Fleet Management will only cover fuel costs associated with the College fuel card program and will not cover fuel purchases made with personal funds or the College purchasing card (P-Card).
  • Unauthorized use of a fuel card could result in disciplinary actions, including revoking driving privileges.
13. E-ZPass Program
  • Each vehicle will have an EZ Pass beacon assigned to it . This is the means by which tolls should be paid wherever EZ Pass is accepted.
  • EZ Pass tolls will be paid by Fleet Management. Periodic analysis of the EZ Pass program may eventually warrant costs being billed back to the departments responsible for the costs.
  • Unauthorized use of the EZ Pass program could result in disciplinary action, including revoking driving privileges.
14. Roadside Assistance Program
16. Fines for Violations
  • In the event that a driver receives a citation for a parking or moving violation while using a College vehicle, they must report this to Fleet Management immediately.
    • Any associated fines or penalties for the violation are the responsibility of the driver.
17. Other Vehicle Issues

Any other non-accident vehicle issues must be reported to Fleet Management.

18. Transportation of Minors

Anyone operating a College owned or managed vehicle transporting minors who are not currently enrolled Swarthmore College students, must comply with the College’s Guidelines for Programs Involving Minors.

19. Failure to Adhere to Fleet Management Policies and Procedures
  • Failure to adhere to the aforementioned policies and procedures will be documented accordingly by Fleet Management.
    • Recurring issues will be reviewed with department heads / supervisors, Human Resources (staff/faculty) or the Dean’s Office (students) and may result in disciplinary action, including revoking driving privileges.
9. Vehicle Acquisition and Disposal

All new vehicle acquisitions, (purchase or lease) and existing vehicle disposals must be initiated by Fleet Management. This includes both street legal vehicles and small utility carts.

8. Insurance Coverage
  • The College carries comprehensive, collision and bodily injury insurance for all its vehicles. Authorized drivers using College vehicles are covered in the event of damages to property of others, or bodily injury to themselves or third parties. The College maintains a deductible on all vehicles. In case of an accident, if the authorized driver is at fault, the department using the vehicle will be charged the deductible.

  • If employees do not use the College’s preferred vehicle rental agreement [PDF] they must purchase the daily Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) and liability insurance from the car rental agency. The College’s automobile insurance does not cover rental vehicles.

  • If an accident occurs while faculty or staff are using their personal vehicles for College activities, their personal insurance is the primary insurance. College insurance will start only after the personal insurance has reached its limit.

15. Accident Reporting and Investigation
  • Drivers of College vehicles must report all accidents to the local police department where the accident occurred, as well as to Public Safety, Fleet Management, and their supervisor upon returning to campus. This requirement also includes accidents involving parked cars or property.
  • In the event a vehicle is involved in any type of accident, the driver shall immediately contact the police/911. They must remain at the scene in a safe position, and also immediately notify the Public Safety via phone (610-328-8281).
    • If on campus, the driver shall remain at the scene until a Public Safety officer arrives to conduct an investigation. If the accident takes place off campus, the driver will remain until local law enforcement have completed their investigation.
  • Drivers must fill out the Fleet Management Vehicle Crash / Incident Report [PDF] located in the glove box and submit the report to Public Safety upon return to campus. Further information may be required.
  • The accident will be investigated and reviewed internally by Contracts and Insurance, Public Safety, Fleet Management, and Human Resources or the Student Affairs Division when necessary.
    • The outcome of the review could result in driving privileges being revoked for up to 12 months for one at-fault accident, or permanently for more than one at-fault accident.
  • Departments may be charged a portion of the applicable insurance deductible, up to $500.
1. Driver Certification
  • All those requesting to reserve a College vehicle or who are required to drive a College vehicle as part of their employment must take the following steps to become a certified driver:
    • Complete an MVR (Motor Vehicle Record) check (see Motor Vehicle Grading Criteria). This process must be initiated by filling out the Driver Certification Request form.
      • Driver’s MVR will be reviewed prior to their first fleet vehicle reservation, and annually thereafter.
      • Please allow adequate time as this process can take up to 2 weeks.
    • Have a valid driver's license for at least 2 years.
    • Complete a driver safety webinar, provided by Public Safety. This is required for use of all vehicles, including but not limited to sedans, minivans, utility vehicles, pick-up trucks, passenger vans, shuttle buses, golf carts, and smaller transit vehicles (electric and gas powered).
  • For use of a small utility vehicle, training must be completed before first use. Departments should internally identify faculty, staff, and students who require this training and provide the employee(s) information to Fleet Management for training assignments and certification. If the operator is not already a certified driver with Fleet, a valid driver's license must be provided for the operator. For regular ongoing operators of a Small Utility Vehicle, an MVR check will be conducted by Fleet annually.
  • Road Tests for use of vehicles provided by the College:
    • A road test will be required for anyone wishing to use a large passenger vehicle (i.e. 10 passenger van, shuttle bus, utility vehicle, etc.)
      • Road tests may also be required for small utility vehicle usage
    • A road test will be required for anyone who holds a valid foreign driver’s license to operate any type of College vehicle. Please see section 2 below for more information.
    • Road tests will be coordinated through Public Safety
  • Due to the increased level of risk associated with transporting numerous people in a vehicle, operating a van for College business requires that drivers undergo the College's van driving training and pre-authorization. These steps are mandatory whether the van being operated is College-owned or a rented vehicle.
    • Successful completion of the van training program includes a driver license check and a brief road test demonstrating general driving skills.
  • Drivers' records that show consistent violations or history of license being revoked which do not exceed the College's standards may still be deemed ineligible for employment.
5. Vehicle Usage

Intended Use: Swarthmore College vehicles are intended for staff, faculty, and student use as approved by a College department. These vehicles are not intended for personal use outside of College department or organization approval.

College vehicles may not be driven to a destination that is more than 200 miles one way from Swarthmore College. For trips greater than 200 miles one way, an alternate mode of transportation must be used, such as train, airplane, or bus. If an alternative method of travel is not available, please notify Fleet Management to determine your trip requirements.

Driver rules and expectations for vehicle usage:

  • All drivers must be certified by the College before operating a vehicle. Please see section 1 for details.
    • Only the assigned driver(s) or other company personnel engaged in the course of their employment are permitted to drive College owned or rented vehicles.
  • All drivers must check the vehicle for any damage or other issues prior to and after use of the vehicle and report any damage or concerns both before and after use, following established protocols.
  • All damage, and all minor or major accidents, must be reported.
  • All drivers must carry their valid driver’s license whenever they are operating a College fleet vehicle.
  • It is strictly prohibited to operate vehicles under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Violators will not be covered under the College’s insurance. This is a violation of the College’s handbooks and of the laws of Pennsylvania and could result in the loss of employment.
  • Cell phone use or texting while driving is strictly prohibited with, the exception of a hands free device used for navigation purposes when traveling alone.
    • When traveling with other passengers, the driver should assign one of them to monitor any navigation devices.
  • Do not overcrowd the vehicle. There can be no more passengers than available seat belts in any vehicle.
    • Seat belts must be worn by the driver and all passengers while the vehicle is in use.
  • Keys should never be left unattended in a vehicle.
  • Materials and inventory must not be left in plain view where they may be susceptible to theft or damage. Drivers are responsible for the security of vehicles and cargo.
  • Unattended vehicles must be kept locked at all times.
  • Posted speed limits and rules of the road must be observed at all times.
  • Smoking/vaping is prohibited in all vehicles.
  • Drivers may operate a vehicle for up to five hours at a time, and for no more than 10 hours in any 24-hour period. Drivers are not to operate vehicles if they are tired or fatigued.
  • Rental of passenger vans that seat greater than 12 passengers is strictly prohibited.
  • All local and federal laws must be followed at all times.

Operator rules and expectations for small utility vehicle usage:

  • All small utility vehicle operators must be driver-certified, as noted in section 1.
  • Small utility vehicles shall not be operated in a manner that may endanger passengers, pedestrians, or other individuals or cause damage to College property.
  • Operators must obey all traffic signals, signs, regulations, and campus policies.
  • Keys should not be left in the vehicle when the vehicle is not in use.
  • All small utility vehicles should be properly secured when parked, and parked where it is not blocking any pathways or roadways from access.
  • Operators shall not exceed the College speed limit of 10 miles per hour, and they must reduce their speed in walkways and pedestrian areas to ensure the safety of others.
  • Pedestrians always have the right of way.
  • In crowded pedestrian areas, operators must park or proceed at a slow walking pace.
  • Passenger limits and load capacity designated by the vehicle’s manufacturer will not be exceeded. One passenger is permitted per seat Children under the age of six are prohibited from riding in the vehicle.
  • It is prohibited to use small utility vehicles at night unless the vehicle is equipped with headlights and brake lights. It is prohibited to use small utility vehicles in severe weather (including thunderstorms) and over rough terrain unless the vehicle is designated and is used to clear pathways or provide service access for an employee.
  • The vehicle operator and all passengers are required to sit in seats, and all must use seat belts when available. Passengers must keep their head, legs, and arms within the vehicle, except to signal turns. Riding on the backs, fronts, or sides of Small Utility Vehicles is NOT permitted.
  • Secure and properly store all equipment and supplies to prevent objects from falling out or striking people.
  • Use of cell phones or other electronic devices while driving is prohibited.
  • Personal use of the Small Utility Vehicles is prohibited.

Driving and parking small utility vehicles

  • Small utility vehicles are restricted to designated streets and paths on the Swarthmore College campus. Small utility vehicles are prohibited from operating on public roadways that are not part of the main campus. Main campus is defined by the boundaries on the Swarthmore College campus map. If the utility vehicle has registered plates see the next point.
  • Certain utility vehicles are registered and insured and those may drive on any public or private road. If there is no available pathway appropriate for a small utility vehicle to reach a destination, a registered and insured vehicle must be used.
  • Small utility vehicles must cross public roadways at designated crosswalks and obey traffic signals and rules when crossing.
  • To adhere to the ADA compliance rules, small utility vehicles should use paths at least 10 feet wide to allow for the safe passing of pedestrians in wheelchairs.
  • For purposes of maintenance or emergencies at buildings that are located outside of the main campus, vehicles can travel to designated College properties (such as 101 S. Chester Rd, Mary Lyon, Chester, Morganwood, or Cunningham Fields) using residential streets, and safely crossing but not driving on state highways such as Yale Avenue or Chester Road.
  • Vehicles may drive on College-maintained sidewalks rather than public streets when traveling in residential areas but must allow pedestrians the right of way.
  • The vehicle may cross public roadways only at designated crosswalks and must obey traffic signals and rules.
  • Vehicles should stay off all turf areas of campus and athletic fields. The College’s flagstone pathways are appropriate only for small utility vehicles.
  • The following areas are off-limits to all vehicles, including small utility vehicles. Use in these restricted areas is permitted for Grounds and Maintenance vehicles conducting work at that location and for access by those who require vehicle use as an ADA accommodation.
    • Tunnel at Facilities (Duck Tunnel)
    • Any stair crossing

    • Paths within the following gardens:

      • Cosby courtyard
      • Nason garden
      • Rose garden
      • Fragrance garden
      • Harry Wood garden
      • Pollinators garden
  • Parking is allowed only on hard surfaces (e.g., asphalt, concrete, gravel, and brick), whenever possible park at the building’s loading dock.
  • The following parking locations are prohibited:
    • Parking on soft surfaces such as turf, landscaping, and unpaved surfaces.
    • Blocking entrances to buildings, stairways, fire exits, ADA paths, and access ramps, or main thoroughfares.
    • Parking on an incline without the use of a parking brake.
  • For charging, the use of extension cords for charging electric small utility vehicles is prohibited. Electric vehicle charging may take place only in designated charging locations. For information on designated charging locations, contact Fleet Management.

7. Departmental/Individual Vehicle Rentals
  • If a department or individual rents a vehicle on their own, Fleet Management will not cover the cost of the vehicle, and the department or individual will be responsible for all costs associated with the rental.
  • Employees are permitted to choose a compact, intermediate, or standard/full-size sedan when renting a vehicle. Rentals of all other vehicle classes (including, but not limited to, premium vehicles, SUVs, minivans, pick-up trucks, etc.) must have pre-approval from the appropriate President's Staff member. The College’s preferred vehicle rental contracts can be found here [PDF]. Rentals from non-preferred vendors will need to purchase collision and comprehensive insurance for vehicle rentals.​​​​​​

Small utility vehicles for camps and event sponsors

  • Camp and event sponsors' use of utility vehicles must be approved by the Events Office in consultation with Public Safety and Fleet Management.
  • Operators of any College-owned utility vehicles must be registered and certified.
  • Operators of rented small utility vehicles used by camps or event sponsors on campus must also be required to be:
    • At least 18 years of age
    • Have a valid driver’s license for at least one year
    • Have reviewed the College’s Fleet Policy
    • Have received training on the use of the vehicle
  • Failure to follow these rules is considered a violation of the terms of your agreement with the College and may result in termination of the camp or event.

11. Vehicle Maintenance
  • Vehicles must be in a condition suitable for driving prior to use.
  • Vehicles will be maintained within the requirements of the Pennsylvania State Vehicle Inspection requirements and within the requirements set forth by Fleet Management.
  • During the rental period, the driver is expected to inspect their reserved vehicle on a daily basis for both pre-trip and post-trip situations. Drivers must complete the vehicle Pre-Trip Inspection Checklist and Post Trip Inspection Checklist at the start and end of the rental period.
  • Drivers are required to immediately report vehicle maintenance issues to Fleet Management, or if after hours, to Public Safety.
  • Fleet Management will ensure that all maintenance issues are attended to in a timely manner.
  • Vehicles will be removed from the road when required maintenance either affects the safety of the driver and/or passengers, or when the maintenance issue violates laws for vehicle operation.

Small utility vehicle safety inspection

  • Small Utility Vehicles require periodic inspections by College-authorized personnel in Facilities, Fleet Management, and/or contractors. For information on authorized inspections contact Fleet Management.
  • Safety inspections will be conducted regularly, at a minimum annually.
  • Documentation for utility vehicle safety inspections and records for repairs will be maintained by Facilities and Fleet Management.
  • If a vehicle is deemed to be a safety concern it will be removed from use and may require a rental during the time of repair or replacement.