Net Price Calculator

What is the Net Price Calculator?
Our Financial Aid Office reviews every application carefully to determine aid awards, but many families want to have an idea of their financial obligation for college costs. The Net Price Calculator is a tool you can use to see an early estimate of the aid you might receive, as well as the net price your family might be expected to pay for the first year at Swarthmore.
How does it work?
The Net Price Calculator collects your family’s financial information and applies some of Swarthmore’s financial aid policies to provide these estimates. It’s important to note that the results are estimates of your possible eligibility for aid and that the actual financial aid decision will be made after we receive your financial aid application and documentation.
What if my family has business income or other special financial circumstances (self-employed income, partnerships, corporations, other real estate, or are living outside the United States)?
We know that no family is average and that your financial situation is unique. Unfortunately, the Net Price Calculator will not produce accurate results if your parents have self-employment income. This includes if your parents have any financial involvement in business partnerships, corporations, sole proprietorships, farms, or rental properties. Also, the calculator is not intended for students whose parents live or earn outside the United States, are separated or not married, have recently lost a job, face elder-care expenses or high medical expenses, have capital gains or losses, or have taken early withdrawals from retirement funds.
What if I have a child/sibling that is also attending College?
The Net Price Calculator will ask you to include each member of your household and give you a chance to indicate if any children/siblings are currently enrolled in college. In most cases, Swarthmore College applies consideration for up to four years to siblings attending college to pursue their undergraduate degree. Consideration is not applied when a sibling is enrolled in graduate school regardless if they are living in the household still. Please note that the Net Price Calculator may not accurately reflect this. We strongly advise that you do not include any siblings in the household that are attending graduate school or once they have graduated from college with their undergraduate degree. Also, please note that siblings that are attending a two year college are applied different consideration which may also not be reflected accurately. We encourage you to reach out to our office directly with any questions:
Can I count on the estimate provided by the Net Price Calculator?
The Net Price Calculator can provide estimates of your possible aid eligibility, and not a firm offer of financial aid. Swarthmore will make an actual decision about your aid eligibility after we carefully review your completed financial aid application. Our aid decision will accompany your admission decision, provided that you submitted all application materials on time.
Please note if you are considered independent for federal aid purposes and not required to submit parental information on this Net Price Calculator or the FAFSA, only the federal aid information supplied on this calculator will be correct not the amount of Swarthmore Scholarship. Swarthmore College will require that you submit parent information for our need-based aid.
Does Swarthmore receive the results of our Net Price Calculator submission?
No. Your submission on the Net Price Calculator is anonymous to Swarthmore College. We are able to count the number of times the Net Price Calculator is used overall, but we do not receive any information indicating who has used it. So, please feel free to use the Net Price Calculator as often as you like.
Where do I access the Net Price Calculator?
New Swarthmore's Net Price Calculator is available on the College Board website.