Opportunities for International Students

Tafadzwa Muguwe '05, Rhodes Scholar
- A. Patrick Charnon Memorial Scholarship
Full-time undergraduate students enrolled in a four-year college in the United States. Each scholarship carries a stipend of $1,500 per academic year. Recipients may re-apply each year for up to four years, provided they continue to meet the requirements of the award. Applications accepted January 15 - August 1.
- All-USA College Academic Team
Recognition program for exceptional full-time undergraduates at four-year institutions in the USA and its territories.
- Allen Lee Hughes Fellowship
Individuals interested in artistic and technical production, arts administration and community engagement. Fellowship provides a modest stipend.
- Amelia Earhart Fellowships (Zonta International Foundation)
Women of any nationality with a superior academic record and a bachelor's degree in science or engineering. Fellowships carry a stipend of $6,000; approximately 35 are awarded annually. Deadline: mid November.
- American Association for University Women - International Fellowships
Full-time study or research to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate study at accredited institutions are supported. Deadline: December 1.
- American Scandinavian Foundation
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden citizens for study or research programs (usually at the graduate level) in the United States for up to one year. Awards are made in all fields.
- Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Program
Citizens of ADB's developing member countries to pursue postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields at participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Region. The ADB-JSP provides full scholarships for one to two years.
- Asian Cultural Council
Individual fellowship grants to artists, scholars, students, and specialists from Asia for study, research, travel and creative work in the United States. Deadlines vary.
- Association for Women in Science Educational Foundation
Female students enrolled in a behavioral, life, physical, or social science or engineering program leading to a Ph.D. degree. Graduate fellowships in the amount of $1,000 are awarded each year. Deadline: January
- Bibliographical Society of America Fellowship Program
Short-term fellowship program supporting bibliographical inquiry as well as research in the history of the book trades and in publishing history. Deadline: December.
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Junior Fellow Program
Year long paid internship for graduating seniors interested in careers in international affairs. Internship is at the Carnegie Endowment for World Peace in Washington, DC. Swarthmore Deadline: November 18
- Canon Collins Educational Trust
Full scholarship for nationals from Southern African countries South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Angola and Mozambique) who wish to pursue a postgraduate degree (normally a one year Master's degree) in either the United Kingdom or southern Africa. Application Deadlines: for the United Kingdom: March 15th each year; for Southern Africa, August 12th each year.
- Chevening Scholarship Program
Three different scholarship schemes for postgraduate study in the United Kingdom. For students from selected countries. Eligible for all fields of study. Deadlines vary depending on country.
- Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program
Designed to engage graduate science, engineering, medical, veterinary, business, and law students in the analysis that informs the creation of science and technology policy and to familiarize them with the interactions of science, technology, and government.
- DAAD Annual Grants
Undergraduate scholarships to study in the Federal Republic of Germany. Foreign nationals are eligible if they are attending a US institution for their undergraduate degree. Applications in all fields are accepted, with the exception of dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine.
- Davis-Putter Scholarships
Need-based grants (up to $6,000) to undergraduate or graduate students actively working for peace and justice on campus and/or in the community.
- Echoing Green Public Service Fellowships
Funding to conduct public service projects anywhere in the world. For up to two years of support.
- Edmund S. Muskie Ph.D. Fellowship
Twenty-two fellowships for doctoral-level programs in business administration, economics, public administration, and public policy. For citizens of Georgia, Russia or Ukraine.
- Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics
Essay contest for full-time juniors or seniors. Prizes range from $500 - $5,000. Deadline: December.
- The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant for Artists
$10,000 (Canadian) award for talented artists. No age limit. Not for those pursuing abstract or nonrepresentational art.
- Environmental Research and Education Foundation
This scholarship recognizes excellence in Ph.D. or post-doctoral environmental research and education. Deadline: August 1.
- Exploration Fund of the Explorers Club
$1,200 grants in support of exploration and field research. Funds given primarily to graduate students.
- Fellows for Peace: The Vision of Kathryn W. Davis Scholarships to support language training at Middlebury College
The fellowships are competitive, merit-based award open to all language School applicants. This fellowship is available to U.S. citizens and international students and professionals. Students are encouraged to apply for regular Middlebury College financial aid (awarded on a demonstrated-need basis), through the office of financial aid at Middlebury College.
Fulbright Foreign Student Program
Educational exchanges that strengthen understanding and communication between the United States and over students from 140 countries. Students interested in applying for the Fulbright Student Program must apply through the Fulbright Program Office in their home country. - Gates Cambridge Scholarships
One to three years of study in any discipline at Cambridge University. Candidates apply directly through Cambridge. Deadline: mid to late October.
- Goldman Sachs Global Leaders Program
$3,000 award for 100 outstanding second year college students in any field of study.
- Hellenic Times Scholarship Fund
For undergraduate and graduate students of Greek descent, between the ages of 17 and 25. Deadline: January
- Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowships
Internship opportunity for college graduates to serve 6 - 9 months with a participating organization of their choice in Washington DC. Deadlines vary.
Horizons Fellowship
Horizons supports outstanding university students in their pursuit to become tomorrow's leaders in technology. The program provides immersive software engineering and web/mobile development courses geared towards high-achieving college students. The Fellowship covers accommodation and tuition. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. - Humane Studies Fellowships
For undergraduate and graduate students interested in the classical liberal/libertarian tradition of individual rights and market economies. More than 100 fellowships up to $12,000 are awarded annually. Deadline: late December.
- International Dissertation Field Research Fellowships
Up to 50 fellowships to support social scientists and humanists conducting dissertation field research in all areas and regions of the world. - ISA Educational Foundation Scholarships
Various scholarships for students in the fields of automation and control. Deadline: February.
- J. W. Saxe Memorial Fund
Annual $1,000 scholarship to one or more undergraduate or graduate students working in public service. Deadline: March.
- Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Advanced Studies
Nationals of IMF Asian member countries interested in studying for their doctorates in economics in order to work in an international financial institution (such as the IMF or the World Bank) or in their home administrations. Deadline: December 31.
- John Bayliss Radio Scholarship
15 Scholarships for juniors, seniors and graduate level students majoring in Broadcast Communications. Deadline:March
Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Regular Program
For individuals from World Bank member countries to undertake graduate studies at any university located in a World Bank member country except their own. Suggested fields of study: economics, public administration, finance, planning, health, population, agriculture, infrastructure, information systems and aquatic resources (provided that the focus of study is on public policy aspects of these fields), environment and natural resource management, education, and other development-related subjects. Deadline: March 31. - Josephine de Karman Scholarships
$16,000 scholarship to support either the final year of study for juniors or for PhD candidates with ABD status. Deadline: late January.
- Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowship [pdf]
Annual fellowship for advanced study of Fine Arts in the U.S. or abroad, to enhance professional standing or to finance a special project. Preference for candidates under 25 years. There are three fellowships of $7,500 each in art, architecture or music; an additional music fellowship for $15,000; and up to three alternate awards of up to $1,000 each. Deadline: early December.
- King Faisal Foundation Scholarship
Funding opportunity for Muslim students in Medicine, Engineering, and sciences (Physics, Chemistry, and Geology) to study at an accredited European or North American university. - Microsoft Scholarships
Four types of scholarships for undergraduate students interested in computer science and related technical disciplines. One year award for students attending institutions in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. All recipients of a scholarship will be required to complete a salaried summer internship of 12 weeks or more at Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, Washington. Deadline: mid January.
- Nelson Mandela Scholarships
Up to 14 scholarships offered for disadvantaged South African students to pursue post graduate study in the United Kingdom. Deadline: mid November.
- Olive W. Garvey Fellowships
Biennial award to outstanding college students around the world through a competitive essay contest on the meaning and significance of economic and personal liberty. Awards range from $1,000 - $2,500. Deadline: May - Organization of American States (OAS) Fellowships
For graduate study or research in any field except medical sciences or introductory language study. Deadlines vary.
- Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowship
Supports doctoral dissertations that explore the sources and nature of international conflict, and strategies to prevent or end conflict and to sustain peace. Citizens of all countries are eligible, but must be enrolled in an accredited college or university in the United States. Deadline: January.
- Rhodes Scholarships for Non-U.S. Citizens
One to three years of study at Oxford University for citizens of Australia, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Canada, Commonwealth Caribbean and Jamaica, Germany, Hong Kong, India Kenya, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Open to all fields. Deadlines vary.
- The Roothbert Fund Scholarship Program
Approximately 20 ($2,000-$3,000) awards are offered to students in the U.S. in need of financial aid to further their education at the undergraduate or graduate level. Deadline: early February.
- Rotary Peace Scholarships
Funding to support two-year master's-level degree program at one of the Rotary Centers for International Studies. Seventy scholarships are offered worldwide. Deadlines vary by Rotary district.
- Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarships
One year study abroad opportunity in any discipline in over 160 countries worldwide. Deadlines vary by district.
- Samuel Huntington Public Service Fellowship Award
Annual stipend of $15,000 for a graduating college senior to pursue public service anywhere in the world. Deadline: mid January.
- Society of Women Engineers
Various awards for women pursuing baccalaureate or graduate degrees in engineering or computer science, as well as engineering and computer science students enrolled in ABET-accredited engineering programs. Deadlines vary.
- South Pacific and East Timor Scholarship Programs
Two special degree study programs for citizens of South Pacific nations and East Timor. Scholarships are awarded for undergraduate degree study. Priority is given to applicants seeking degrees that address national development needs.
- Smithsonian Fellowships
Unless noted otherwise, all Smithsonian fellowships (graduate, pre-doctoral, post-doctoral, senior) opportunities are open to non-US citizens. Deadlines vary.
- Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship
Candidates for the doctoral degree at a graduate school within the United States are eligible. Deadline: November 1.
- Student Academy Awards
Awards and cash grants offered for student films. Deadline: April.
- Swiss Benevolent Society of New York Scholarships
Merit based awards for study at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels both in the U.S. and abroad. Deadline: March.
- UNESCO/Keizo Obuchi fellowships
Young researchers with advanced degrees (M.A., M.Sc. or equivalent) from developing countries majoring in one of four areas: environment, intercultural dialogue, information and communication technologies, and peaceful conflict resolution.
- Winston Foundation for World Peace Fellowships
Support undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in cooperative security, conflict resolution, and disarmament. Fellows design their own projects, usually involving public education, media outreach, grassroots organizing, or another active approach to issues of cooperative security, nuclear arms control, conventional arms transfers, demilitarization, democracy building, conflict resolution, and the like. Applicants are expected to work full-time with a non-profit organization. A $300/week stipend is provided for the duration of the project, which lasts from 2-4 months. Information and application materials, contact: winstonfoun@igc.apc.org or write: Winston Foundation Fellowships, 2040 S Street NW, Suite 201 Washington, DC 20009-1157. Phone: 202-483-4215.
- Worldstudio AIGA Scholarships
Undergraduate or graduate students pursuing degrees in the fine or commercial arts, design or architecture. Deadline: March.
Scholarship Databases:
International Education Financial Aid: http://www.iefa.org/
International Scholarship Search: http://www.internationalscholarships.com/index.php
Scholarships for Development: http://www.scholars4dev.com/