Capital Planning Process

A major focus of the Capital Planning and Project Management Department is the capital plan, an annual forecast of facilities capital needs for Swarthmore College. The plan is a five-year projection, placing capital needs in context and illustrating the relationship between sequential projects. The Board of Managers approves the capital plan on an annual basis as part of the overall budget approval process for the College.
The capital plan is developed through consultation with members of President’s Staff, stakeholder across campus, and through internal discussion within the Facilities and Capital Projects division. Following approval by the President, the capital plan is forwarded to the Finance and Trusts and Property subcommittees of the Board of Managers for review and discussion at their February meeting each year. The Board of Managers approves each year's capital plan at its May meeting, prior to the start of the fiscal year in June. After the plan has been approved by the Board, project implementation begins.
To request a capital project:
Please fill out the Facilities/Technology Project Request Form [PDF] and email it to Juan Viera, director of sustainable capital planning and project management at and send a copy of your request to Ernie Wright, Budget Director, at