Steps to Apply for a Research Opportunity for Summer 2023 and Biochemistry Department Summer Research Students 2022-2023
1. Attend research presentation on November 22 , 2022 at 4:30 pm in SC 199 (Cunniff).
2. Check out the Research web page for faculty member which interests you. (See links to Faculty Profiles on Department Faculty Page). Look through the websites and check out current publications. It might also be helpful to reach out to current and prior students who worked in the lab to hear about their experiences.
3. Email the faculty member(s) you are interested in and set up a time to meet and discuss research.
4. Fill in online application form. The online application will open at 7 PM after Research Presentations are complete on November 22nd and will be linked here. You will be asked to login using your Swarthmore username and password to access the application. You must complete the online application by Noon on Monday December 5th.
When Will You Hear Back From Us
Chemistry/Biochemistry faculty members meet as a group to look over all the submitted applications. You will receive feedback about the availability of research positions by the end of December. After the internal Chemistry and Biochemistry application process is complete, there is a college wide summer fellowship process you will need to complete if you are invited to join a lab. The deadlines for the college wide summer applications are set by the Provost's office.
If you have any questions, please email