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Poster Sessions

Sara Yun '23 and David Ye '23 from the Yatsunyk lab present at the local Sigma Xi poster session. 

2018 Sigma Xi Poster Session

The 2018 Sigma Xi poster session took place in the Science Center Commons on Thursday, September 13 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm and on Friday, September 14 from 11:30 am - 2:00 pm.  Students who performed their research on campus and elsewhere (mostly through REU programs) presented their work.  The poster session provided a ground for exciting scientific discussions and engaged the larger Swarthmore community. The poster session program can be found here and contains abstracts for all posters .   


2017 Sigma Xi Poster Session

The 2017 Sigma Xi poster session took place in the Science Center Commons on Thursday, September 21 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm and on Friday, September 22 from 11:30 am - 2:00 pm.  99 students who performed their research on campus and elsewhere (mostly through REU programs) presented their work.  The poster session program can be found here and contains abstracts for all posters .  

2016 Sigma Xi Poster Session

Students that did research over summer 2016 at Swarthmore or other academic institutions and industries presented their research at the annual Sigma Xi poster session, held Sept 15-16, 2016 in Eldridge Commons. more


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2015 Sigma Xi Poster Session

Students that did research over summer 2015 at Swarthmore or other academic institutions and industries presented their research at the annual Sigma Xi poster session, held Sept 17-18, 2015 in Eldridge Commons. more


2014 Sigma Xi Poster Session

Students that did research over summer 2014 at Swarthmore or other academic institutions and industries presented their research at the annual Sigma Xi poster session, held Sept 19-20, 2014 in Eldridge Commons. more

2013 Sigma Xi Poster Session

Students that did research over summer 2016 at Swarthmore or other academic institutions and industries presented their research at the annual Sigma Xi poster session, held October 4-5, 2013 in Eldridge Commons. more

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2012 Chem 43 (Analytical Methods and Instrumentation)

In December 2012, Professor Alison Holliday's Chem 43 class held a poster session in the Science Center Commons, presenting their final projects.  The students used the methods learned throughout the semester to quantify the amounts of certain compounds in the world around us.  more

Chemistry Department Poster Session, Spring 2012

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry held its annual 2012 Poster Session on Friday, April 27, in the Eldridge Commons. Twelve students from seven research groups presented their most recent findings. more

2011 Chem 43 (Analytical Methods and Instrumentation)

In December 2011, Professor Alison Holliday's Chem 43 class held a poster session in the Science Center Commons, presenting their final projects.   more

2011 Sigma Xi

Students that did research over summer 2011 at Swarthmore or other academic institutions and industries presented their research at the annual Sigma Xi poster session.  more