Leadership in Practice Series
What does leadership mean at Swarthmore?
The Center for Innovation and Leadership is offering event funding to faculty and staff to explore and expand discourse on the concept of leadership practice in a modern, complex and rapidly changing world. The Leadership in Practice Series seeks to engage expert contributors through talks, workshops, field trips and multimedia experiences to learn about diverse, impactful leadership. Conversations may explore some of the challenges and potentials for leaders, what models can we learn from, and how we can enact restorative leadership practices at Swarthmore and beyond.
Leadership in Practice Series Goals:
- To explore diverse historical and contemporary models of leadership
- To create opportunities for active engagement in discourse around new possibilities of equitable leadership
- To identify pathways for leadership exploration that encompasses a wide range of contexts, practices and identities
- To learn about impactful leadership practices that can be thoughtfully reimagined and deployed to further the goals of Swarthmore communities
Expert Contributor Criteria:
- The expert contributor must share their practical experiences in leadership or developing leadership practices. We welcome scholars who can share how their work is applied
- The expert contributor and their topic draws from, relates to or directly supports course(s) or program(s) for students, faculty and staff being delivered in Spring 2024-Spring 2025
Award Logistics
The CIL Leadership in Practice Series will provide an honorarium award for speakers, and also facilitate reasonable support budget for travel, lodging, as well as refreshments (circa up to $2,000). The CIL will also provide logistical support for the organization of the event. In addition, the CIL Leadership in Practice Series is interested in partnering with departments or centers to fund larger events. While applications are submitted by one faculty member or staff, there is space to list other faculty/staff that support the application where the speaker would benefit their mutual goals.
Applications submitted by Sept 15 will receive priority consideration for the fall and Dec 13 will receive priority consideration for the spring. Applications may be considered on a rolling basis after these dates if funds remain available.
If you have questions, please reach out to Susannah Fishman, sfishma1@swarthmore.edu
Events from Fall 2024
A Fireside Chat with Pukar Malla '02 on Leadership and Change, Pukar Malla, Sept 17, Old IC
The Ian Sandborn Show: The Wonder of Nature, Oct 7, Scheuer, Kohl
Reflections on Leadership: Peace and Conflict Studies Recent Alumni Panel, Dec 9, Sheuer, Kohl
Events from Spring 2024: