Scott Gilbert: Publications

Scott Gilbert | Research | Publications | Lectures | News
Gilbert , S. F. and Epel, D. 2015. Ecological Developmental Biology: The Environmental Regulation of Development, Health, and Evolution. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.
Gilbert, S. F. Developmental Biology, Sinauer Associates and Oxford University Press.
- Thirteenth edition: 2023 (with Michael Barresi)
- Twelfth edition: 2019 (with Michael Barresi)
- Eleventh edition: 2016 (with Michael Barresi) (Translated into Japanese, Italian, and Portuguese)
- Tenth edition: 2013 Translated in Japanese, Korean.
- Ninth edition: 2010.
- Eighth edition: 2006.
- Seventh edition: 2003. Reprinted in prepared in Korean, French, and Russian.
- Sixth edition: 2000. Reprinted in Portuguese.
- Fifth edition: 1997.
- Fourth edition: 1994. Reprinted in French (1996)
- Third edition: 1991. Reprinted in Portuguese (1994)
- Second edition: 1988. Reprinted in Japanese (1991) and Russian (1993).
- First edition: 1985. Reprinted in Spanish (1987) and Italian (1988).
Lala, K., Uller, T., Feiner, N., Feldman, M., Gilbert, S.F. (2024). Evolution Evolving: The Developmental Origins of Adaptation and Biodiversity. Princeton University Press.
Gilbert, S. F. and Pinto-Correia, C. 2017. Fear, Wonder, and Science in the New Age of Reproductive Biotechnology. Columbia University Press, NY.
Tyler, M. S., Kozlowsky, R. N. and Gilbert, S. F. 2006. Differential Expressions: Key Experiments in Developmental Biology. 2nd edition. CD and DVD. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.
Gilbert , S. F., Tyler, A. and Zackin, E. 2005. Bioethics and the New Embryology. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA
Tyler, M. S., Kozlowsky, R. N. and Gilbert, S. F. 2003. Differential Expressions: Key Experiments in Developmental Biology. CD and DVD. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.
Gilbert, S. F. and Bolker, J. (guest editors) 2003. Symposium on Ecological Developmental Biology. Evolution and Development. Issue 5(1).
Gilbert, S. F. 2002. "Teaching evolution through development."
Gilbert, S. F. 2000. Predator-induced polyphenism. In The Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Macmillan, London.
Gilbert, S. F. (coordinator). 1994-1997. Zygote: A Developmental Biology
Gilbert, S. F. (coordinator) 1997-2000. Zygote: A Developmental Biology
Gilbert, S. F. (coordinator) 2000-present. DevBio: A Companion to Developmental Biology.
Gilbert, S. F. 1999-present. (Developmental Biology editor). Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Macmillan, London.
Galperin, C, Gilbert, S. F., and Hoppe, B. (ed.) 1999. Fundamental Changes in Cellular Biology in the Twentieth Century. Brepols, Brussels.
Gilbert, S. F. and Raunio, A. M. 1997. Embryology: Constructing the Organism. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA.
Asterisks (*) denote Swarthmore undergraduate researchers
Gilbert, S.F. 2024. When does human life begin?" Teaching human embryology in the context of the American abortion debate Developmental Biology 515: 102-111.
Gilbert, S. F. 2024. Inter-kingdom communication and the sympoietic way of life. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 12: doi: 10.3389/fcell.2024.1427798
Gilbert, S. F. 2024. Prelude to molecularization: The double gradient model of Sulo Toivonen and Lauri Saxén. Cells and Development 117:203884. 10.1016/j.cdev.2023.203884
Gilbert, S. F. 2023. Holobiont development: Embryology and ecological succession. Human Development 67: 257 - 272.
Gilbert, S R. and Gilbert, S. F. 2023. Process epistemologies for the careful interplay of art and biology: An afterword. Drawing Processes of Life (ed. G. Anderson, J. Dupré). Intellect Books, Bristol, UK.
Gilbert, S. F. 2023. Foreword: Symbiotic perspectives on the processes of biology and art. Drawing Processes of Life (ed. G. Anderson, J. Dupré). Intellect Books, Bristol, UK.
Gilbert, S. F. 2023. Shells, gills, and gonads: On the remarkable persistence of oysters in the Chesapeake Bay. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 53: 221 - 241.
Zenner, H. and Gilbert, S. F. 2023. An interview with Scott F. Gilbert. The Node.
Gilbert, S. F., Sapp, J., and Tauber, A. I. 2023. Postscript: "A Symbiotic View" a decade later. In Todos Somos Líquenes. Hifas editores.
Gilbert, S. F. "Foreword," in Tauber, A. I. 2022. The Triumph of Uncertainty: A Philosophical Romance. Central European University Press, Budapest, Hungary.
Agapakis, C., Aronowsky, L., Bell, N., Emanuel, R. E., Gilbert S. F., Jones, C. A., Nimrod, S., Pentecost, C., Ribeaux, T., Rickard, J., Spivey-Faulkner, S. M. 2022. Symbiosis, reciprocity, and indigenous epistemologies. In Symbionts: Contemporary Artists and the Biosphere (Caroline A. Jones, Natalie Bell, Selby Nimrod, eds.) MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Pp. 163 - 191.
Gilbert , S. F. 2022. Pseudo-embryology and personhood: How embryological pseudoscience helps structure the American abortion debate. Natural Sciences 2022: e20220041. DOI: 10.1002/ntls.20220041 (Scott quoted in the New York Times)
Gilbert, S. F. "Foreword," in Tauber, A. I. 2022. The Triumph of Uncertainty: A Philosophical Romance. Central European University Press, Budapest, Hungary.
Clarke, B and Gilbert, S. F. 2022. Margulis, Autopoiesis, and Sympoiesis. In Symbionts: Contemporary Artists and the Biosphere (Caroline A. Jones, Natalie Bell, Selby Nimrod, eds.) MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Pp. 63- 78.
Gilbert, S. F. and Hadfield, M. 2022. Symbiosis of disciplines: How developmental biology can join conservation biologists in sustaining and restoring earth's biodiversity. Development 149: doi:10.1242/dev.199960
Gilbert S. F. 2022. Review of Ruston, S. 2021. The Science of Life and Death in Frankenstein. FASEB J. 36: e22420.
Gilbert, S. F. 2021. Como era en umpricipio, ahotra y siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. (As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.) Microhabitable. (Lucia Pietroiusti, Fernando Garcia Dory, ed.) Matedero, Madrid, pp. 34-45.
O, Curry, S., and Gilbert, S. F. 2021. Choosing life stories: Body as teacher. Mother Pelican
Jagomäe, T., Singh, K., Philips, M., Jayaram, M., Seppa, K., Tekko, T., Gilbert, S.F., Vasar, E., and Lilleväli, K. 2021. Alternative promoter use governs the expression of IgLON cell adhesion molecules in histogenetic fields of the embryonic mouse brain. Int. J. Molecular Sciences
Gilbert, S. F. 2021. Systemic racism, systemic sexism, and the embryological enterprise. Developmental Biology 473: 97 - 104. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2021.02.001
Gilbert, S. F. 2021. Preface. Current Topics in Developmental Biology 141: Evolutionary Developmental Biology Academic Press. Cambridge, MA Pp. xiii - xxii.
Gilbert, S. F. 2021. Evolutionary developmental biology and sustainability: A biology of resilience. Accepted by Evolution and Development.
Gilbert, S. F. (editor). 2021. Current Topics in Developmental Biology 141: Evolutionary Developmental Biology. Academic Press. Cambridge, MA
Gilbert, S. F. 2020. Holobionts can evolve by changing their symbionts and hosts. Feral Qualities (ed. A. Tsing).
Gilbert, S. F. 2020. Biden-Harris Would Adhere to Law, Constitution. Portland Tribune. October 14, 2020.
Baedke, J. and Gilbert S. F. 2020. Evolution and Development. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Chiu, L. and Gilbert, S.F. 2020. Niche construction and the transition to herbivory: Phenotype switching and the origination of new nutritional modes. Phenotype Switching: Implications in Biology and Medicine. H. Levine, M. Jolly, P. Kulkarni, and V. Nanjundiah, eds. Elsevier, London. Pp. 459- 482.
Sariola, S. and Gilbert, S. F. 2020. Toward a symbiotic perspective on public health: Recognizing the ambivalence of microbes in the Anthropocene. Microorganisms 8: 746. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8050746
Gilbert, S. F. 2020. Metaphors for a new body politic: Gaia as holobiont. In A Book of the Body Politic: Connecting Biology, Politics and Social Theory. Edited by Bruno Latour, Simon Schaffer, Pasquale Gagliardi. San Giorgio Dialogue 2017. Pp. 75 - 88.
Brigandt I., Katz, L.A., Nanjundiah, V., Gilbert ,S.F., Grant ,P.R,. Grant, B.R., Love, A.C,, Newman, S.A., West-Eberhard, M.J. 2019: John Tyler Bonner: Remembering a scientific pioneer. J. Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. 332: 365-370. doi: 10.1002/jez.b.22920.
Gilbert, S. F. 2019. Evolutionary transitions revisited: holobiont evo-devo. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 332: 307-314. DOI: 10.1002/jez.b.22903
Gilbert, S. F. Developmental symbiosis facilitates the multiple origins of herbivory. Evolution and Development. 22: 154-164. DOI: 10.1111/ede.12291
Gilbert, S. F. and Gilbert, S. R. 2019. Understories: a common ground for art and science. In Kiasma Museum Catalogue for Exhibition of Alma Heikkilä exhibit " ‘ , ‘ /~` mediums,.’_ ” bodies,.’_ ” ° ∞ logs,∞ ‘ , ‘ /~` ‘ holes, .’ `-. ` .’ — °habitats / /`‘ * ‘-‘ . ‘ , ‘ /~`want to feel (,) you inside \| * . . * * \| * . . *./. .-. ~ .’ ‘ , ‘ /~` ❅ ☼ ~", Helsinki, Finland.
Gilbert, S. F. 2019. Towards a developmental biology of holobionts. In G. Fusco (ed.) Perspectives on Evolutionary and Developmental Biology: Essays for Alessandro Minelli. Padova University Press. P. 13-22.
Gilbert, S. F. 2018. Wonder and the alliance of religion and biology for conserving nature. In Theology and Science: From Genesis to Astrobiology. J. Seckbach, ed. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. Pp. 291-324.
Gilbert, S. F. 2018. Health fetishism among the Nacirema: A fugue on Jenny Reardon’s The Postgenomic Condition: Ethics, Justice, and Knowledge after the Genome (Chicago University Press, 2017) and Isabelle Stengers’ Another Science is Possible: A Manifesto for Slow Science (Polity Press, 2018). Organisms 2: 43-54
Singh, K., Lilleväli, K., Gilbert, S. F., Bregin, A., Narvik, J., J. Mohan, Rahi, M. Innos, Philips, M.-A., and Vasar, E. 2018. The combined impact of Lsamp and Neurotrimin on hippocampal neuronal development and behavior in mice. Brain Research Bulletin 140: 5-18. pii: S0361-9230(17)30720-7. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2018.03.013.
Gilbert, S. F. 2018. Achilles and the tortoise: Some caveats to mathematical modeling in biology. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology.
Gilbert, S. F., E. Rosenberg, and I. Zilber-Rosenberg. 2018. "The holobiont with its hologenome is a level of selection In evolution" In Landscapes Of Collectivity In The Life Sciences. In Gissis, S., Lamm, E., and Shavit, A. (ed.) MIT Press, Cambridge. 305-324.
Gilbert, S. F. 2018. "Perspective: Rethinking parts and wholes" In Landscapes of Collectivity In The Life Sciences. Gissis, S., Lamm, E., and Shavit, A. (ed.) MIT Press, Cambridge. 123-132.
Gilbert, S. F. 2017. Developmental Biology: The stem cell of biological disciplines. PLoS Biol. 15:12:e2003691.
Roughgarden, J., Gilbert, S. F., Rosenberg, E., Zilber-Rosenberg, I, and Lloyd, E. A. Holobionts as units of selection and a model of their population dynamics and evolution. Biological Theory.
Rice, R., Cebra-Thomas, J, Haugas, M., Partanen, J., Rice, D. P. C., and Gilbert, S. F. 2017. Melanoblast development coincides with the late emerging cells from the dorsal neural tube in turtle Trachemys scripta. Science Reports 7: 12063. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-12352-0.
Gilbert, S. F. 2017. Holobiont by birth. Childbirth as maintenance of communities. In Tsing, A., Swanson, H., Gan, E. and Bubandt, N. (editors). Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. U. Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. Pp. M73-M89.
Moustakas-Verho, J., and Cebra-Thomas, J. and Gilbert, S. F. 2017. Patterning of the turtle shell. Curr. Opinions in Genetics and Development 45: 124-131.
Gilbert, S. F. 2017. “Biological Individuality: A relational reading,” in Nyhart, L. K. and Lidgard, S. (ed.) Biological Individuality: Integrating Scientific, Philosophical and Historical Perspectives. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Gilbert, S. F. 2017. To stop abortions, protect the EPA, don’t attack Planned Parenthood. San Francisco Chronicle. Apr. 11.
Tekko, T. Lakspere, T. Allikalt, A. End, J., Kõlvart, K. R., Terasmaa, A., Philips, M.-A., Visnapuu, T., Väärtnõu, F. Gilbert, S. F., Rinken, A., Vasar, E., and Lilleväli, K. 2017. Wfs1 is expressed in dopaminoceptive regions of the amniote brain and modulates Levels of D1-like Receptors. PLoS One 12(3):e0172825. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172825.
Gilbert, S. F. 2017. Ecological Developmental Biology. In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0020479.pub2.
Darnell, D. and Gilbert, S.F. 2017. Neuroembryology. Wiley Interdiscip Rev. Dev Biol. 6(1). doi: 10.1002/wdev.215.
Theis, KR, Dheilly, NM, Klassen, JL, Brucker, RM, Baines, JF, Bosch, TC, Cryan, JF, Gilbert, SF, Goodnight, CJ, Lloyd, EA, Sapp, J, Vandenkoornhuyse, P, Zilber-Rosenberg, I, Rosenberg, E, and Bordenstein SR. 2016. Getting the hologenome concept right: an eco-evolutionary framework for hosts and their microbiomes. mSystems. 1(2). DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.e00028-16.
Gilbert, S. F. and Tauber, A. I. 2016. Rethinking Individuality: The Dialectics of the Holobiont. Biology and Philosophy 31: 839 – 853.
Gilbert, S. F. and Rice, R. 2016. General principles of differentiation and morphogenesis. In Epstein’s Inborn Errors of Development: The Molecular Basis of Clinical Disorders of Morphogenesis Third ed. (R. P. Erickson, and Wynshaw-Boris, A. J. eds.) Oxford University Press, New York. Pp. 9-24.
Rice, R., Kallonen, A., Cebra-Thomas, J. and Gilbert, S. F. 2016. Development of the turtle plastron: the order-defining skeletal structure. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113: 5317-5322.
Borish, S. and Gilbert, S. 2016. Waddington’s epigenetic landscape, In Klinmanm R. M. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. 4: 349 – 357. Oxford University Press.
Gilbert, S. F. 2016. Ecological developmental biology: interpreting developmental signs. Biosemiotics 9: 51 – 60.
Gilbert. S. F. 2016. Developmental plasticity and developmental symbiosis: The return of Eco-Devo. Current Topics Developmental Biology 116: 415 – 433.
Moczek AP, Sears KE, Stollewerk A, Wittkopp PJ, Diggle P, Dworkin I, Ledon-Rettig C, Matus DQ, Roth S, Abouheif E, Brown FD, Chiu CH, Cohen CS, Tomaso AW, Gilbert SF, Hall B, Love AC, Lyons DC, Sanger TJ, Smith J, Specht C, Vallejo-Marin M, Extavour CG. 2015. The significance and scope of evolutionary developmental biology: a vision for the 21st century. Evol Dev. 17: 198-219.
Haraway, D., Ishikawa, N., Gilbert, S. F., Olwig, K., Tsing, A. L. and Bubandt, N. 2015. Anthropologists are talking--about the Anthropocene. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology 2015 (pp. 1-30).
Gilbert, S. F. 2015. DNA as our soul: Don't believe the advertising. Huffington Post (11/18/15).
Gilbert S.F., Bosch, T.C., and Ledón-Rettig, C. 2015. Eco-Evo-Devo: developmental symbiosis and developmental plasticity as evolutionary agents. Nature Reviews Genet. 16: 611-22.
Alivisatos A. P. et al. 2015. Microbiome. A unified initiative to harness Earth's microbiomes. Science 350:507- 508.
Gilbert, S. F. 2015. Republicans need to be countered on false claims about embryos. Huffington Post. 09/23/2015
Gilbert, S. F. 2015. Evolution through developmental change: How alterations in development cause evolutionary change in anatomy. In Sloan, P. R., McKenny, G., and Eggleson, K. (eds.) Darwin in the Twenty-first Century: Nature. Humanity. God. U. Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, IN. Pp. 35 - 60.
Moczek, A. P.,...Gilbert, S. F., and multiple others. 2015. The significance and scope of evolutionary developmental biology: a vision for the 21st century. Evolution and Development 17: 198 - 219.
Rice, R., Riccio*, P., Gilbert, S. F., and Cebra-Thomas, 2015. Emerging from the rib: resolving the turtle controversies. J. Exp. Zool.B Mol Dev Evol 324: 208-220.
Chiu, L. and Gilbert, S. F. 2015. The birth of the holobiont: Multi-species birthing through mutual scaffolding and niche construction. Biosemiotics doi: 10.1007/s12304-015-9232-5.
Kaplinsky NJ, Gilbert SF, Cebra-Thomas J, Lilleväli K, Saare M, Chang* EY, Edelman* HE, Frick*, MA, Guan* Y, Hammond* RM, Hampilos* NH, Opoku* DSB, Sariahmed* K, Sherman* EA, Watson* R. 2013. The embryonic transcriptome of the red-eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta). PLoS One 8(6): e66357.
Gilbert, SF. 2014. A holobiont birth narrative: The epigenetic transmission of the human microbiome. Frontiers Genetics doi: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00282.
Moustakas-Verho JE, Zimm R, Cebra-Thomas J, Lempiäinen NK, Kallonen A, Mitchell* KL, Hämäläinen K, Salazar-Ciudad I, Jernvall J, Gilbert SF. 2014. The origin and loss of periodic patterning in the turtle shell. Development 141: 3033- 3039.
Gilbert SF and Bard, J. 2014. Formalizing theories of development: A fugue on the orderliness of nature. Minelli, A and Pradeu, eds. Towards a Theory of Development. Oxford University Press. Pp. 129 – 143.
Gilbert, S. F. 2014. Symbiosis as a way of life: The dependent co-origination of the body. J. Biosciences 39: 201- 209.
Gilbert, SF. 2014. Review of Raff, R. A. 2012. Once We All Had Gills. Reports of the National Center for Science Education 34.2, 9.3.
Cebra-Thomas, J., Terrell, A., Shah, S., Gyi*, L., Yin, M., Hu*, Y., Gallagher, J., Betters*, E., and Gilbert. S. F. 2013. A second wave of trunk neural crest cell migration in turtles generates an ectomesenchymal dermis in the plastron. Developmental Dynamics 242: 1223 – 1235.
Gilbert, S. F. and Corfe, I. 2013. Turtle origins: Picking up speed. Developmental Cell 25: 326-327.
McFall-Ngai, M., Hadfield, M...Gilbert, S. F. et al. 2013. Animals in a bacterial world: A new imperative for the life sciences. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 110: 3229 - 3236.
Gilbert, S. F. 2013. Wonder and the necessary alliances of science and religion. Euresis Journal 4: 7-30.
Gilbert, S.F., Sapp. J., and Tauber, A. I. 2012. A symbiotic view of life: We have never been individuals. Quarterly Review of Biology 87: 325 - 341.
Gilbert, S. F. 2012. Ecological developmental biology: Environmental signals for normal animal development. Evolution and Development 14: 20 - 28.
Gilbert, S. F. 2011. Expanding the temporal dimensions of developmental biology: The role of environmental agents in establishing adult-onset phenotypes. In Pradeu, T. (ed) Boundaries of Development Special Issue. Biological Theory 6: 65-72.
Gilbert, S. F. 2011. Commentary "The Epigenotype," by C. H. Waddington. International J. Epidemiology 41: 1-3.
Cebra-Thomas, J., Terrell, A., Shah, S., Gyi*, L., Yin, M., Hu*, Y., Gallagher, J., Betters*, E., and Gilbert. S. F. A second wave of trunk neural crest cell migration in turtles generates an ectomesenchymal dermis in the plastron. (manuscript submitted).
Gilbert S. F. 2011. Evolutionary developmental biology and Intelligent Design. Biological Evolution: Facts and Theories. (Auletta, G., Leclerk, M, and Martínez, R. A., editors). Analecta Gregoriana 312: 691 - 700.
Gilbert, S. F. 2011. Evolution through developmental changes: How alterations in development cause evolutionary changes in anatomy," Biological Evolution: Facts and Theories. (Auletta, G., Leclerk, M, and Martínez, R. A., editors). Analecta Gregoriana 312: 153 - 167.
Gilbert. S. F. and Braukmann, S. 2011. Fertilization narratives in the art of Gustav Klimt, Diego Rivera, and Frida Kahlo: Repression, Domination, and Eros among Cells. Leonardo 44: 221 - 227.
Gilbert, S.F. 2011. The decline of soft inheritance. In Jablonka, E. and Gissis, S. (eds.) Transformations of Lamarckism: From Subtle Fluids to Molecular Biology. MIT Press, Cambridge, pp. 121-125.
Gilbert, SF 2011. Genetic and epigenetic sources of selectable variation. In Jablonka, E. and Gissis, S. (eds.) Transformations of Lamarckism: From Subtle Fluids to Molecular Biology. MIT Press, Cambridge. Pp. 283- 293.
Gilbert, S. F. 2011. Ecological Developmental Biology: Redefining the spatial limits of development. Birth Def. Res. C. 93: 1 -2.
Gilbert SF, McDonald* E, Boyle* N, Buttino* N, Gyi* L, Mai* M, Prakash* N, Robinson* J. 2010. Symbiosis as a source of selectable epigenetic variation: taking the heat for the big guy. Proc. Royal Soc. Lond. B 365: 371 - 378.
Koshiba-Takeuchi K, Mori AD, Kaynak BL, Cebra-Thomas J, Sukonnik T, Georges RO, Latham S, Beck L, Henkelman RM, Black BL, Olson EN, Wade J, Takeuchi JK, Nemer M, Gilbert SF, Bruneau BG. 2009. Reptilian heart development and the molecular basis of cardiac chamber evolution. Nature 461: 95 - 98.
Gluckman, P. D. et al. 2009. Towards a developmental synthesis: adaptive developmental plasticity and human disease. Lancet 373: 1654 - 1657.
Gilbert, S. F. 2009. Aging and cancer as diseases of epigenesis. J. Biosciences 34: 601 - 604.
Lyson*, T. and Gilbert SF. 2009. Turtles all the way down: Loggerheads at the root of the Chelonian tree. Evolution and Development 11: 133 - 135.
Laland, K. N., Odling-Smee, J., and Gilbert, S. F. 2008. Evo-Devo and niche construction: Building bridges. J. Experimental Zoology 310: 549 - 566.
Gilbert, SF. 2008. The American Precursors of Evo-Devo: Ecology, cell-lineages, and pastimes unworthy of the Deity. Theory in Biosci. 127(4):291-6.
Gilbert, S. F. 2008. When "personhood" begins in the embryo: avoiding a syllabus of errors. Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today 84: 164 - 173.
Gilbert, S. F. 2008. All I really needed to know I learned during gastrulation. Cell Biol. Education 7: 3 - 4.
Gilbert, S. F., Cebra-Thomas, J. A., and Burke, A. C. 2007. How the turtle gets its shell. In Biology of Turtles (J. Wyneken, M. H. Gofrey, and V. Bels, eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton. Pp. 1- 16.
Gilbert, S. F., Bender, G*., Betters, E*,Yin, M., and Cebra-Thomas, J. A. 2007. The contribution of neural crest cells to the nuchal bone and plastron of the turtle shell. Integrative and Comparative Biology 47: 401 - 408.
Gilbert, S. F. 2007. "Second to the right, straight on 'til morning": A reply to Ruse. Biological Theory 2: 74 - 75.
Collins, J. P., Gilbert, S. F., Laubichler, M. D., and Müller, G. B. 2007. How to integrate development, evolution, and ecology: modeling in evo-devo. In Laubichler, M. D. ed. Roots of Theoretical Biology: The Prater Vivarium Centenary. MIT Press, Cambridge. Pp. 355 - 378.
Gilbert, S. F. and the Swarthmore College Evolution and Development Seminar*. 2007. The aerodynamics of flying carpets: Why biologists are loath to "teach the controversy." The Panda's Black Box: Opening Up the Intelligent Design Controversy. (ed. N. Comfort). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. Pp. 40 - 62.
Cebra-Thomas, J. A., Betters*, E., Yin*, M., Plafkin*, C., McDow*, K., and Gilbert, S. F. 2007. A late-emerging population of trunk neural crest cells forms the plastron in the turtle Trachemys scripta. Evolution and Development 9: 267 - 277.
Gilbert, S.F. 2007. Fate maps, gene expression maps, and the evidentiary structure of evolutionary developmental biology. From Embryology to Evo-Devo (J. Maienschein and M. Laubischler, eds). MIT Press, Cambridge. Pp. 358 - 374.
Gilbert, S. F. 2006. Four songs. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 34: 1, 111, 112.
Gilbert, S. F. 2006. The generation of novelty: The province of developmental biology. Biological Theory 1: 209 - 212.
Gilbert, S. F. 2006. In memorium: Lauri Saxén 1927 - 2005. Int. J. Devel. Biol. 50: 369 - 370.
Cebra-Thomas, J., Tan*, F., Sistla*, S., Estes*, E., Bender*, G., Kim, C., and Gilbert, S. F. 2005. How the turtle forms its shell: A paracrine hypothesis of carapace formation. J. Exp. Zool. B: 558 - 569.
[Mikhailov, A. T./Gilbert S. F. 2005. Putting evo-devo into focus: An interview with Scott F. Gilbert. International Journal of Developmental Biology 48: 9 - 16. ]
Gilbert, S. F. 2005. Mechanisms for the environmental regulation of gene expression: Ecological aspects of animal development. J. Biosciences 30: 101 - 110.
[Puura, I/Gilbert, S. F]. 2004. Kuidas kilpon oma kilbi sai? Eesti Loodus 2004: 88 - 91. [Interview in Estonian].
Gilbert, S. F. and Howes-Mischel* R. 2004. "Show Me Your Original Face before You Were Born": The Convergence of Public Fetuses and Sacred DNA. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 26: 377 - 394.
Gilbert, S. F. 2004. Gene expression maps: The cartography of transcription. In H-J Rheinberger and J-P Gaudillière, eds., From Molecular Genetics to Genomics: The Mapping Cultures of Twentieth-Century Genetics, Vol. 2. Routledge, New York. Pp. 79 - 94.
Steinberg, M. S. and Gilbert, S. F. 2004. Townes and Holtfreter, 1955: Directed movements and selective adhesion of embryonic amphibian cells. J. Experimental Zoology 301A: 701 - 706.
Braukmann, S. and Gilbert, S. F. 2004. Sucking in the gut: A history of early gastrulation research. Gastrulation (ed. C. Stern). Cold Spring Harbor Press, Cold Spring Harbor. Pp. 1-20.
Gilbert, S. F. 2004. A case against undergraduate-only research journals. Cell Biology Education 3(1) : 22 - 24.
Gilbert, S. F. 2004. Foreword. Crystals, Fabrics, and Fields (Donna J. Haraway) North Atlantic Press, Berkeley, CA. Pp. xi - xv.
The Molecular Basis of Inborn Errors of Development (C. J. Epstein, R. P. Erickson, and A. Wynshaw-Boris, eds.) Oxford University Press, New York. Pp. 10 - 24.
Gilbert, S. F. 2004. General principles of differentiation and morphogenesis. In
Gilbert, S. F. 2003. The morphogenesis of evolutionary developmental biology. International J. Dev. Biol. 47: 467 - 477
Gilbert, S. F. 2003. Opening Darwin's Black Box: Teaching evolution through developmental genetics. Nature Reviews: Genetics 4: 735 - 741.
Gilbert, S. F. 2003. The role of predator-induced polyphenism in the evolution of cognition: A Baldwinian speculation. In Weber, B. H. and D. J. Depew (eds.) Evolution and Learning: The Baldwin Effect Reconsidered. MIT Press. Pp. 235 - 252.
Gilbert, S. F. 2003. Evo-devo, devo-evo, and devgen-popgen. Biology and Philosophy 18: 347 - 352.
Gilbert, S. F. and Burian, R. 2003. Developmental genetics. In Key Concepts and Approaches in Evolutionary Developmental Biology (B. K. Hall and W. M. Olson, eds), Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA. Pp. 68 - 74.
Gilbert, S. F. and Burian, R. 2003. Development, evolution, and evolutionary developmental biology. In Key Concepts and Approaches in Evolutionary Developmental Biology (B. K. Hall and W. M. Olson, eds), Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA. Pp. 61 -68.
Gilbert, S. F. and Fausto-Sterling, A. 2003. Educating for social responsibility: Changing the syllabus of developmental biology. Int. J. Devel. Biol. 47: 327 - 244.
Gilbert, S. F. and Bard, J. 2003. Review of Embryos in Wax: Models from the Ziegler Studio, by N. Hopwood. Perspec. Biol. Med. 46: 156 - 158.
Gilbert, S. F. 2003. The genome in its ecological context: philosophical perspectives on interspecies epigenesis. Annals of the New York Academy of Science 981: 202 - 218.
Gilbert, S.F. 2003. The reactive genome. In Müller, G.B. and Newman, S.A. (eds.), Origination of Organismal Form: Beyond the Gene in Developmental and Evolutionary Biology, MIT Press, Cambridge. pp. 87-101.
Cebra-Thomas, J. A., Bromer*, J., Gardiner, R., Lam, G. K., Scheipe*, H., and Gilbert, S. F. 2003. T-box gene products are required for mesenchymal induction of epithelial branching in the embryonic mouse lung. Developmental Dynamics 226: 82 - 90.
Gilbert, S. F. and Bolker, J. A. 2003. Ecological developmental biology: preface to the symposium. Evol. Dev. 5: 3 - 8.
Gilbert, S. F. 2002. Commentary: Stephen J. Gould. J. Biosciences 27: 445 - 446.
Gilbert, S. F. 2002. Dolly on the Road to Polly: Review of The Second Creation: Dolly and the Age of Biological Control; by A. Wilmut, K. Campbell, and C. Tudge. BioScience. 52: 851 - 853.
Gilbert, S. F. 2002. Teaching evolution through Evo-Devo. (abstract). Dev. Biol. 247: 439.
Gilbert, S. F. 2002. Canalization. In Encyclopedia of Evolution (M. Pagel, ed.). Oxford University Press, NY. Volume 1: 133 - 135.
Mikhailov, A. T. and Gilbert, S. F. 2002. From development to evolution: The re-establishment of the "Alexander Kowalevsky Medal" by the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 46: 693 - 698.
Gilbert, S. F. 2002. Review of Genomic Regulatory Systems: Development and Evolution (by E. H. Davidson.). Amer. J. Med. Genetics 108: 341 - 342.
Gilbert, S. F. 2002. Genetic determinism: The battle between scientific data and social image in contemporary developmental biology. In On Human Nature. Anthropological, Biological, and Philosophical Foundations. (Grunwald, A., Gutmann, M., and Neumann-Held, E. M., eds.) Springer-Verlag, NY. Pp. 121 - 140
Gilbert, S. F. 2002. Predator-induced polyphenism. In The Encyclopedia of Life Sciences.Vol 15. pp. 134 - 138. Macmillan, London. Also as:
Gilbert, S. F. and Karen A. Rader. 2001. Revisiting Women and Feminism in Developmental Biology. In Schiebinger, L. and Creager, A.,(eds.) Science, Technology and Medicine in the Twentieth Century: What Difference Has Feminism Made? University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Pp. 73 - 97.
Gilbert, S. F. 2001. Lewis und Clark-Expedition von 1804 bis 1806: Die medizinische und soziologische Bedeutung des Schwitzbadens. Saunabetrieb & Bäderpraxis 4/2001: 26 - 27.
Clark*, C., Bender*, G, Murray*, B.P., Panfilio*, K., Cook*, S., Davis*, R, Murnen*, K, Tuan, R. S., and Gilbert, S. F. 2001. Evidence for the neural crest origin of turtle plastron bones. genesis 31: 111 - 117.
Gilbert, S. F. and Tuan, R. 2001. New vistas for developmental biology. J. Biosciences 26: 293 - 298.
Loredo, G. A., Brukman*, A., Harris, M. P., Kagle*, D. LeClair, E. E., Gutman*, R., Denney*, E., Henkelman*, E., Murray*, B. P., Fallon, J. F., Tuan, R. S., and Gilbert, S. F. 2001. Development of an evolutionarily novel structure: fibroblast growth factor expression in the carapacial ridge of turtle embryos. Journal of Experimental Zoology/Molecular and Developmental Evolution 291: 274 - 281.
Gilbert, S. F. 2001. A Primer on Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Metanexus: The Online Forum on Religion and Science. 2001.08.
Gilbert, S. F. 2001. Finding a mate for evolution. Metanexus: The Online Forum on Religion and Science. 2001.08. . Reprinted as "The Blind Matchmaker," The Spiral 2 (2): 10 - 11.
Burian, R. and Gilbert, S. F. 2001. When the map becomes the territory. Trends in Genetics 17: 376 - 377.
Gilbert, S. F. and Zevit, Z. 2001. Congenital human baculum deficiency: The generative bone of Genesis 2: 21-23. American Journal of Medical Genetics101: 284 - 285.
Gilbert, S. F. 2001. Ecological developmental biology: Developmental biology meets the real world. Developmental Biology 233: 1 - 12.
Gilbert, S. F. Loredo, G. A., Brukman*, A. and Burke, A. C. 2001. Morphogenesis of the turtle shell: The development of a novel structure in tetrapod evolution. Evolution and Development 3: 47 - 58.
Gilbert, S. F. 2001. Continuity and change: paradigm shifts in neural induction. International Journal of Developmental Biology 45: 155 - 164.
Gilbert, S. F. 2001. Paradigm shifts in neural induction. Revue d'Histoire des Sciences. 53: 555 - 579.
Gilbert, S. F. and Bolker, J. A. 2001. Homologies of process: Modular elements of embryonic construction. In The Character Concept in Evolutionary Biology(G. Wagner, ed.). Yale University Press, New Haven. Pp. 435 - 454.
Reprinted in Journal of Experimental Zoology 291 (2001): 1 - 12.
Gilbert, S. F. 2000. Diachronic biology meets evo-devo: C. H. Waddington's approach to evolutionary developmental biology. American Zoologist 40: 729 - 737.
Burian, R. M., Gilbert, S. F., Johns-Schloegel. J., and Thieffry, D. 2000. Selected bibliography on history of embryology and development. Hist. Philos. Life Sci. 22: 325 - 333.
Gilbert, S. F. and Sarkar, S. 2000. Embracing complexity: Organicism for the Twenty-first Century. Developmental Dynamics 219: 1 - 9.
Gilbert, S. F. and the Biology and Gender Study Group*. 2000. Mainstreaming feminist critique into the biology curriculum. In R. Reid and S. Traweek, eds., Doing Science + Culture. Routledge, NY. Pp. 199 - 220.
Gilbert, S. F. 2000. Genes classical and genes developmental: The different uses of the gene in evolutionary syntheses. In The Concept of the Gene in Development and Evolution (ed. P. Buerton, R. Falk, and H-J. Rheinberger),Cambridge University Press. Pp. 178 - 192.
Gilbert, S. F. 1999. Review of A. E. Clarke, Disciplining Reproduction: Modernity, American Life Sciences, and "the Problems of Sex". University of California Press, Berkeley, 1998. Bull. Hist. Med. 73: 733 - 734.
Gilbert, S. F. 1999. Comments to M. Morange, The Developmental Gene Concept. Gene Concepts in Development and Evolution. Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte 123: 43 - 48.
Gilbert, S. F. 1999. Homologies of process. In Galperin, C., Gilbert, S. F., and Hoppe, B. (ed.) Fundamental Biology in the Twentieth Century. Brepols, Brussels. Pp. 165 - 168.
Gilbert, S. F. 1998. Human cloning (Letter to the editor). New Engl. J. Med. 339: 1558 - 1559.
Gilbert, S. F. and Jorgensen, E. 1998. Wormwholes: A commentary on K. Schaffner's "Genes, behavior, and developmental emergentism", Philosophy of Science65: 259 - 266.
Gilbert, S. F. 1998. Conceptual breakthroughs in developmental biology. J. Biosciences. 23: 169 - 176.
Gilbert, S. F. 1998. Bearing crosses: The historiography of genetics and embryology. Amer. J. Med. Genet. 76: 168 - 182.
Gilbert, S. F. 1997. Intercellular pathways as homologous processes. In "Developmental Biology in Half a Century:" Taniguchi Symposium in Developmental Biology IX, T. Okada, ed.), Pp. 83-85.
Belousov, L. V., Opitz, J. M, and Gilbert, S. F. 1997. Contributions to field theory and life of Alexander G. Gurwitsch. Internat. J. Devel. Biol. 41: 771 - 779.
Gilbert, S. F. 1997. Salome Gluecksohn Waelsch, In Jewish Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia. (P. E. Hyman and D. D. Moore, ed.). Routledge, NY. Pp. 1445- 1446.
Republished online Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia. Shalvi Publishing, Jerusalem.
Gilbert, S. F. (1997). Bodies of knowledge: Multiculturalism and science. In Changing Life: Genomes, Ecologies, Bodies, Commodities (P.J. Taylor, S. E. Halfon, and P. N. Edwards, eds.) University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. Pp. 36 - 55.
Gilbert, S. F. and Borish, S. (1997). How cells learn, how cells teach: Induction and education in the body. In A. Reninger and E. Amsel, (ed.) Change and Development: Issues of Theory, Method, and Application. Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ. Pp. 61-75.
Gilbert, S. F. (1997). Arthropods: crustaceans, spiders, and myriapods. In Gilbert, S. F. and Raunio, A. M. Embryology: Constructing the Organism. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA. Pp. 239 - 257.
Brusca, R., Brusca, J., and Gilbert, S. F. (1997) Introduction to embryology. In Gilbert, S. F. and Raunio, A. M. Embryology: Constructing the Organism. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland. Pp. 3-20.
Gilbert, S. F. and Faber, M. (1996). Looking at embryos: The visual and conceptual aesthetics of emerging form. In The Elusive Synthesis: Aesthetics and Science (A. I. Tauber, editor). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordecht. pp. 125 - 151.
Gilbert, S. F. (1996). Enzyme adaptation and the entrance of molecular biology into embryology. In The Philosophy and History of Molecular Biology: New Perspectives. (ed. S. Sarkar). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. pp. 101 - 123.
Gilbert, S. F., Opitz, J. M., and Raff, R. A. (1996). Reply: Resynthesis. Devel. Biol. 173: 618 - 619.
Gilbert, S. F. (1996). Cellular dialogues during development. Gene Regulation and Fetal Development; March of Dimes Foundation Birth Defects: Original Article Series; Volume 30 (1) (G. Martini, H. Neri, eds.), Wiley-Liss, NY. pp. 1 - 12.
Gilbert, S. F. (1996). A brief history of premolecular induction studies. Seminars Cell Devel. Biol. 7: 67 -76.
Gilbert, S. F., Opitz, J., and Raff, R. A. (1996). Resynthesizing evolutionary and developmental biology. Developmental Biology 173: 357 - 372.
Gilbert, S. F. (1995). Resurrecting the Body: Has Postmodernism had any effect on biology? Science in Context 8: 563 - 577.
Gilbert, S. F. (1995). Introduction: Postmodernism and Science. Science in Context 8: 559 - 561.
Gilbert, S. F. and Tauber, A. I. (editors). (1995). Postmodernism and Science. Science in Context 8(4).
Ritvos, O., Tuuri, T., Erämaa, M., Sainio, K., Hilden, K., Saxén, L., and Gilbert, S. F. (1995). Activin disrupts epithelial branching morphogenesis in developing murine kidney, pancreas, and salivary gland. Mechanisms of Development 50: 229 - 245.
Gilbert, S. F. (1995). Review of Correspondence: Karl Ernst von Baer [1792 - 1876] and Anton Dohrn [1840 - 1909]. Trans. C. Groeben. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. In Quart. Rev. Biol. 70: 60-61.
Gilbert, S. F. (1994). Dobzhansky, Waddington and Schmalhausen: Embryology and the Modern Synthesis. In The Evolution of Theodosius Dobzhansky: Essays on His Life and Thought in Russia and America (ed. M. B. Adams). Princeton University Press, Princeton. Pp. 143-154.
Opitz, J. M. and Gilbert, S. F. (1993). Developmental field theory and the molecular analysis of morphogenesis: A comment on Dr. Slavkin's observations. Am. J. Med. Genet. 47: 687 - 688.
Gilbert, S. F. and Saxén, L. (1993). Spemann's Organizer: Models and molecules. Mechanisms Devel. 41: 73 - 89.
Gilbert, S. F. (1992). Cells in search of community: Critiques of Weismannism and selectable units in ontogeny. Biology and Philosophy 7: 473 - 487.
Gilbert, S. F., Sarkar, S., and Tauber, A. I. 1992. Symposium on the evolution of individuality. Introduction. Biology and Philosophy 7: 461 - 462.
Sainio, K., Gilbert, S. F., Lehtonen, E., Nishi, M., Kumar, N. M., Gilula, N. B., and Saxén, L. (1992). Differential expression of gap junction mRNAs and proteins in the developing murine kidney and in experimentally induced nephric mesenchymes. Development 115: 827 - 837.
Gilbert, S.F., and Atkinson J. (eds.). 1992. Development and macroevolution, American Zoologist, 32: 101-144.
Gilbert, S. F. (1992). The synthesis of embryology and human genetics: Paradigms regained. Amer. J. Human Genet. 51: 211 - 215.
Gilbert, S. F. (1991). The role of embryonic induction in creating self. In Organism and the Origins of Self (ed. A. I. Tauber). Kluwer Press, Dordrecht. pp. 341 - 360.
Gilbert, S. F. (1991). Cytoplasmic action in development. Quart. Rev. Biol. 66: 309 - 316.
Gilbert, S. F. (1991). Induction and the Origins of Developmental Genetics. In A Conceptual History of Modern Embryology. (ed. S. F. Gilbert). Plenum Press, NY. pp. 181- 206.
Gilbert, S. F. (1991). "Foreword" to Tauber, A. I. and Chernyak, L., Metchnikoff and the Origins of Immunology: From Metaphor to Reality. Oxford University Press. vi-ix.
Gilbert, S. F. (1991). Epigenetic landscaping: C. H. Waddington's use of cell fate bifurcation diagrams. Biology and Philosophy. 6: 135 - 154.
Gilbert, S.F., editor 1991. A Conceptual History of Modern Developmental Biology. Plenum Press, NY. Paperback edition published by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1994
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Reprinted (1989) in Feminism and Science (ed. N. Tuana), Indiana University Press pp. 172-187.
Reprinted (1999) in Philosophies of Science: From Foundations to Contemporary Issues. (J. McErlean, ed.)
Wadsworth Publishing, NY.
Reprinted (2002) in The Gender of Science (ed. J. A. Kourany). Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pp. 192
- 203.
Gilbert, S. F. (1987). Review of Horder, T. J., Witkowski, J. A., and Wylie, C. C. (eds.), A History of Embryology. Cambridge University Press. In Medical History 31: 226-227.
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Gilbert, S. F. (1986). Cell-cell receptors in embryogenesis. In Receptors in Cellular Recognition and Developmental Processes (R. Gorczynski, ed.), Academic Press, NY, pp. 133-163.
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Reprinted (1985) in Genetic Perspectives in Biology and Medicine (E. D. Garber, ed.), University of Chicago Press, Chicago. pp. 67-78.
Gilbert, S. F., Axelman, J., and Migeon, B. R. (1981). Phenotypic heterogeneity within clones of fetal human cells. Am. J. Human Genet 33: 950-956.
Icenogle, J., Gilbert, S. F., Grieves, J., Anderegg, J., and Rueckert, R. (1981). A neutralizing monoclonal antibody against poliovirus and its reaction with related antigens. Virology 115: 211-215.
Gilbert, S. F. (1980). Owen's vertebral archetype and evolutionary genetics: A Platonic appreciation. Perspec. Biol. Med. 23: 475-488.
Gilbert, S. F. (1979). The metaphorical structuring of social perceptions. Soundings 62: 166-186.
Gilbert, S. F., Boer, H. A. de, and Nomura, M. (1979). Identification of initiation sites for the in vitro transcription of rRNA operons rrnE and rrnA in Escherichia coli. Cell 17: 211-224.
Boer, H. A. de, Gilbert, S. F., and Nomura, M. (1979). DNA sequences of promoter regions for rRNA operons rrnE and rrnA in Escherichia coli. Cell 17: 201-209.
Gilbert, S. F. (1979). Altruism and other unnatural acts: T. H. Huxley on nature, man, and society. Perspec. Biol. Med. 22: 346-358.
Gilbert, S. F. (1978). The embryological origins of the gene theory. J. Hist. Biol. 11: 307-351.
Lindahl, L., Post, L., Zengel, J., Gilbert, S. F., Strycharz, W. A., and Nomura, M. (1977). Mapping ribosomal protein genes by in vitro protein synthesis using restriction fragments of lfus3 transducing phage DNA as templates. J. Biol. Chem. 252: 7365-7383.
Gilbert, S. F. (1977). Gene isolation: In Boveri's program.Trends Biochem.Sci. 2: 222-223.
Gilbert, S. F. and Migeon, B. R. (1977). Renal enzymes in kidney cells selected by D-val medium. J. Cell Physiol. 92: 161-168.
Gilbert, S. F. and Migeon, B. R. (1975). D-valine as a selective agent for normal human and rodent epithelial cells in culture. Cell 5: 11-17.
Infante, A. A., Nauta, R., Gilbert, S. F., Hobart, P., and Firschein, W. (1973). DNA synthesis in developing sea urchins: Role of a DNA-nuclear membrane complex. Nature New Biol. 242: 5-8.