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Fall 2022-Spring 2023 Lottery Numbers

Fall 2022-Spring 2023 Lottery Numbers

Returning students will continue to select housing using the ‘lottery number’ system.  Please note that while lottery numbers were generated and used during the Fall 2020-Spring 2021 academic year, not all students were invited back to campus and all students were given singles; as such, though lottery numbers were used when assigning housing other factors were also taken into account, most important being proximity to friend group.    

As always, rising sophomores (Class of 2025**) will have lottery numbers randomly generated for their sophomore housing selection process.  Your housing location or status for 2021-2022 does not have any bearing on the number you are assigned for sophomore housing selection.   Numbers are generated using a random number generator, and the number you use to select housing for your sophomore year impacts your assigned number junior and senior year.

Rising juniors (Class of 2024**) will have their lottery numbers calculated using the number they were assigned for 2021-2022 academic year.  Your sophomore housing location is taken into consideration prior to calculation.  Your rising junior number, as always, is also calculated based on your rising sophomore number.

Rising seniors (Class of 2023**), as always, will use the ‘sum of lottery number’ system; the number you used to select housing your sophomore year is added to the lottery number use for your selection junior year.  Those students with the highest sum selects before those with lower sums.

A simple example of how lottery numbers are generated  is below:

Rising Sophomore

Rising Junior

Rising Senior

“Randomly Generated”

"Middle # is top #"

"Sum of Sophomore and Junior Years"



Sum = 6; will select 6th



Sum = 8; will select 4th



Sum = 10; will select 2nd



Sum = 5; will select 7th



Sum = 7; will select 5th



Sum = 9; will select 3rd



Sum = 11; will select 1st

Please note, however, that there will always be adjustments in lottery order to due a variety of factors, including students who change class years, new transfer students entering the class year, students taking a leave of absence or going abroad, late requests for accommodations or RPL status. The above example is for illustrative purposes only.

**A student's scheduled graduation date and current # of credits is what dictates class year for lottery number generation. The OSE will use the graduation date listed in MySwarthmore to calculate your lottery number. If you believe that your class year is incorrect or no longer accurate, please email and we will be in contact about your graduation date.