Web Resources
On Campus
Deutsche Sprache
Deutsche Landeskunde
Deutschsprachige Literatur
- Literaturgeschichte
- Institut für Textkritik
- Zeitschrift für Germanistik
- Österreichische Literatur Online
Austauschorganisationen und Stipendien
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
- Fulbright Commission
- Rotary
- Federation of German-American Clubs
Undergraduate Research and Publishing Opportunities
- University of Warwick, accepts submissions from all universities anywhere – this one has quite a strong reputation and has been in existence since 2007
- American Journal of Undergraduate Research
- There are lots listed on this Libguide from U of Nebraska, in different disciplines and interdisciplinary, some will accept from any university others are university specific, your students would have to investigate, also they will need to pay particular attention to the date of current issue.
- LURE, a journal for undergraduate research, at UWG
- Andererseits
- University of Notre Dame