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First Year Students Resources

  • Registrar's Office

    The Registrar's Office is responsible for student academic records. They answer questions and concerns about enrollment in school, registration in classes, classroom scheduling, grade collection, transfer credit, AP credit, majors and special majors, changes to one’s academic program, graduation requirements, transcripts, and senior degree certification.

  • AdvisingHere you can find the Advising Handbook, Sophomore Plan of Study information, change of advisor requests form, and more.
  • Registration Forms for Courses at Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and UPenn

    As a Swarthmore student, you are able to take Tri-Co courses at Bryn Mawr and Haverford, as well as courses at UPenn. In order to enroll in courses at these institutions, you will need to complete a registration form.

  • Registration Form for Non-Swarthmore Students to Take Courses at SwarthmoreBryn Mawr, Haverford, and UPenn students are able to take courses at Swarthmore. In order to enroll in Swarthmore courses, non-Swarthmore students will need to complete a registration form.
  • FMST Courses

    Current FMST courses are featured on our website. The listings for current and subsequent semesters are usually accurate. To plan your course trajectory longer term, you should always consult with the respective faculty member or chair to see whether listed courses will actually be offered. Our entire curriculum can be accessed in the catalog. For sophomore planning purposes, make sure to consult the department's current sophomore plan statement.

  • Follow FMST on Social Media
  • Weekly FMST Department Newsletter

    The weekly FMST department newsletter highlights upcoming events and opportunities related to film and media. The newsletter also includes course screenings, which are open to all students. Sign up for the newsletter below!


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