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Man Equals Man

Production Ensemble 2003

Man equals man

The Department of Theater presents Man Equals Man by Bertolt Brecht (translated by Gerhard Nellhaus and Bertolt Brecht), adapted by Junior Company. Directed by Roger Babb. Dramaturgy by Jedd Cohen '04. Assistant director/stage manager: Marc Boucai '04. Assistant to the director: Kate Nelson-Lee '03. This performance is the final presentation of Junior Company and Advanced Design.

Featuring Junior Company 2003: Sam Dingman '04, Joy Mills '05, Joseph Small '05, Alejandro Acevedo Ali '05, Rebecca Ennen '04, Ben Camp '05, Kate Hurster '03, Felicia Leicht '04, Adrienne Mackey '04, and Jedd Cohen '04.

Set design by William Marshall. Lighting design by Alexandra Bradbury '05. Costume design by Rebecca Kuipers '03. Sound design by Charles Coes '06.

Location: Pearson-Hall Theatre
Dates: April 17, 2003 - April 19, 2003
Times: Thursday and Friday at 8 pm, Saturday at 3 pm and 8 pm.