Fascinating Field Trip to the Chemical Heritage Foundation on July 28, 2014

Field Trip to the Chemical Heritage Foundation on July 28, 2014
Spearheaded by faculty member Josh Newby, a group of fifteen students and faculty from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry ventured into Philadelphia on July 28th, 2014 for a fascinating tour of the Chemical Heritage Foundation (https://www.chemheritage.org). Created in the early 1980s and located at 315 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia, the Chemical Heritage Foundation seeks to preserve and interpret the history of chemistry and how it has shaped the modern world. The visit began with an 1.5 hour tour and ended up with the exploration of displays. The Swarthmore group enjoyed learning about the chemists throughout history, ranging from alchemists in the 1600's to modern day inventors of plastics, medical devices and space suits. Some of the favorite exhibits were a vintage NMR spectrometer, a range of historical children's chemistry sets, and a giant animated periodic table.