Artificial Intelligence & the Liberal Arts

In collaboration with partners across campus, the TLC is organizing a series of workshops and discussions for faculty and staff on the implications of ChatGPT and large language models for teaching and learning in a liberal arts context.
Feb 10. Lecture Tim Laquintano on Artificial Intelligence and the Future of the Liberal Arts (Recording available to Swarthmore community members only)
Feb 20 - April 14. Faculty & Staff Inquiry Group Series
Each workshop/discussion will be offered twice in order to accommodate as many participants as are interested. Faculty and staff are invited to attend all three in the series or to drop-in as they are able. Sign up here for the Inquiry Groups.
- Meeting 1 (Feb 20/24), led by Andrew Ruether (ITS) and Amanda Licastro (Libraries), will provide hands-on experience using OpenAI and ChatGPT, using exam questions and other assignment prompts to explore the possibilities and limitations of this technology. Discussion will consider ethical considerations about privacy and representation, including pedagogical applications and how to balance concerns about plagiarism with concerns about student data and agency.
- Meeting 2 (March 22/23), led by Alba Newmann Holmes (Writing Program) and Ashley Turner (ITS), will explore the implications of ChatGPT and other AI for writing assignment design. Faculty assign writing for a variety of purposes. This discussion will explore the kinds of assignments that are more or less likely to invite illicit use of ChatGPT and its kin, as well as creative ways of integrating the bot into writing assignments and classroom writing activities.
- Meeting 3 (April 12/14), led by Tim Burke (History) and Sam Handlin (Political Science) will consider the big picture implications of these AI tools on our pedagogy and practice. How do we, as a community, teach students to engage AI tools both effectively and ethically? How do we integrate them into pedagogy, if at all? How much do students, faculty, and staff have to acquire technical knowledge about AI tools? Do we need different kinds of courses or policies? Should the possible impact of AI tools affect how we think about the purpose of writing, visuality, and other skills, or what we are preparing students to accomplish after graduation?