Fall 2024
RELG 010. African American Religions
- Chireau.
RELG 023. Quakers Past and Present
- Ross.
RELG 029. Islam, Race, and Anti-Blackness
- al-Jamil.
RELG 038. Religion and Film
- Chireau.
RELG 053. Gender, Sexuality, and the Body in Islamic Discourses
- al-Jamil.
RELG 095. Religion Café: Senior Symposium
- Padilioni.
RELG 114. Love and Religion
- Hopkins.
Spring 2025
RELG 008B. The Qur'an and Its Interpreters
- al-Jamil.
RELG 008. Patterns of Asian Religions
- Hopkins.
RELG 011. First-Year Seminar: Religion and the Meaning of Life
- Ross.
RELG 015B. Philosophy of Religion
- Wallace.
RELG 022. Religion and Ecology
- Wallace.
RELG 028. Christian Spiritual Journeys
- Ross.
RELG 034. Partitions: Religions, Politics, and Gender in South Asia Through the Novel
- Hopkins.
RELG 041B. Religion and Nature in the African Diaspora: Wonders, Signs, & Portents
- Padilioni.
RELG 050. Sacred Plants, Holy Fungi, and Religious Experience
- Padilioni.
RELG 075. Holy War, Martyrdom, and Suicide in Christianity, Judaism and Islam
- al-Jamil.
Fall 2025
RELG 004. Radical Jesus
- Wallace.
RELG 006C. First Year Seminar: Apocalypse: Hope and Despair in the Last Days
- Wallace.
RELG 011. First-Year Seminar: Religion and the Meaning of Life
- Ross.
RELG 064. Queer/Trans Religion
- Kessler.
RELG 065. Jews: History, Culture, and Philosophy
- Kessler.
RELG 095. Religion Café: Senior Symposium
- Staff.
Spring 2026
RELG 006B. The Talmud: Sex, Gender, & Mental Health in Antiquity
- Kessler.
RELG 008B. The Qur'an and Its Interpreters
- al-Jamil.
RELG 008. Patterns of Asian Religions
- Hopkins.
RELG 021. Prison Letters: Religion and Transformation
- Ross.
RELG 023. Quakers Past and Present
- Ross.
RELG 027. Christian Nationalism, White Supremacy, and Antisemitism
- Kessler.
RELG 098. Islamic Law & Society
- al-Jamil.
RELG 104. Angels
- Wallace.