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College Community Comes Together in Face of Newtown Tragedy

Newtown Ct vigil
Students gather in front of Parrish Hall.


Last night, more than 100 students and community members held a candlelight vigil in front of Parrish Hall to honor the victims and those suffering from the Newtown, Ct., shooting.

"I want to thank those of you who were able to attend, and to thank especially Leonine Cohen '16 and the other students who organized the event," wrote Dean Liz Braun in a message to students this morning. "As I shared with those gathered last night, please ask for the help you need, offer the help you can give, and continue to draw strength from our community. Let us continue to hold up those who are suffering in the light and let us all, especially this season, hope for peace."

Braun also reminded students that the Dean's office, campus administrators, and faculty are available to talk, and that RAs, friends, and others can also provide support.

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