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Class of 2011 Scholars

Nidal Alayasa

Photo of Nidal Alayasa, a McCabe Scholar from the Class of 2011

Hometown: Bethlehem, Palestine
Major(s): Political science and economics

Maria Carambo

Photo of Maria Carambo, a McCabe Scholar from the Class of 2011

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
Major(s): History
Activities: Project Blueprint, ChesTech, Learning for Life

Jennifer Crick

Photo of Jennifer Crick, a McCabe Scholar from the Class of 2011

Hometown: Chesapeake City, MD
Major(s): Biology
Minor(s): Environmental Studies, Political Science
Activities: Feminist Majority, College Democrats, Theater

Ecem Erseker

Photo of Ecem Erseker, a McCabe Scholar from the Class of 2011

Hometown: Istanbul, Turkey
Major(s): Economics, Asian studies
Activities: Lang Opportunity Scholar (running a microfinance project in Turkey), Tri-College Peace Week Co-Coordinator, Investment Club

Erica Evans

Photo of Erica Evans, a McCabe Scholar from the Class of 2011

Hometown: Frankford, DE
Major(s): Biochemistry
Activities: Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, Swarthmore College Chorus, Theater Productions, Grapevine (female a cappella group), Newman Catholic Campus Ministry, Taylor Hospital Volunteer (Emergency Room assistant)

Chengetai Mahomva

Photo of Chengetai Mahomva, a McCabe Scholar from the Class of 2011

Hometown: Durban, South Africa
Major(s): Biochemistry
Activities: Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, Lang Opportunity Scholar, Writing Associate Program, McCabe Scholar Society (President, 2009-2010)

Ariel Martino

Photo of Ariel Martino, a McCabe Scholar from the Class of 2011

Hometown: Wyndmoor, PA
Major(s): English literature
Minor(s): Environmental studies
Activities: Earthlust, Environmental Justice, Green Advisors

Sara McCabe

Photo of Sara McCabe, a McCabe Scholar from the Class of 2011

Hometown: Millsboro, DE
Major(s): Religion, Biology

Candice Nguyen

Photo of Candice Nguyen, a McCabe Scholar from the Class of 2011

Hometown: Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
Major(s): Honors English Literature
Minor(s): Honors Political Science
Activities: Mock Trial (co-founder), Feminist Majority (co-president), Swarthmore Financial Justice (co-founder)

Erika Slaymaker

Photo of Erika Slaymaker, a McCabe Scholar from the Class of 2011

Hometown: Lexington, KY
Major(s): Sociology & Anthropology
Minor(s): Black Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Activities: Queer Issues Symposium planning committee, White Students Confronting Racism, Philadelphia Road to Detroit Group