Chengetai Mahomva '11

Chengetai Mahomva '11 hails from Durban, South Africa, and is a Biochemistry major.
"My high school principal often reminded me, 'to whom much is given much is expected.' The opportunities that Mr. McCabe has given me are unquantifiable, so what the global community and my village back home will expect of me is limitless. I know that Mr. McCabe’s generosity will not end with me but will flow into the classrooms that fellow students and I are building in Zimbabwe.
"Without Mr. McCabe, it would have been financially impossible for me to attend this premier and truly unique liberal arts college. The friendships I have made with current McCabe scholars and the family-like guidance I have received from alums like Wes Argo '64 have made me, a girl from Southern Africa, feel right at home."