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Undergraduate coauthors*

Kyaw, A.*, Roepke K.*,  Arthur, T.*  and Howard, K.P.  (2023) Conformation of influenza AM2 membrane protein in nanodiscs and liposomes.  Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Biomembranes, 1865 .  

Kim G.*, Raymond, H.E.*, Herneisen, A.L.*, Wong-Rolle, A.* and Howard, K.P.  (2019) The distal cytoplasmic tail of the influenza A M2 protein dynamically extends from the membrane. Biochimica Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes, 1861, 1421-1427.  

Optimization of Detergent-Mediated Reconstitution of Influenza A M2 Protein into Proteoliposomes. Crouch, C., Bost, M.*, Kim, T.*, Green, B.*, Arbuckle, D.*, Grossman, C. and Howard, K.P. (2018)  Membranes, 8, 103.  

A Budding-Defective M2 Mutant Exhibits Reduced Membrane Interaction, Insensitivity to Cholesterol, and Perturbed Interdomain Coupling. Herneisen, A.L.*, Sahu, I.D., McCarrick, R.M., Feix, J.B., Lorigan, G.A. and Howard, K. P.  (2017) Biochemistry, 57, 5955.  

Cholesterol dependent conformational exchange of the C-terminal domain of the influenza A M2 protein. Kim, S.*, Upshur, M.A.*, Saotome, K.*, Sahu, I.D., McCarrick, R.M., Feix, J.B., Lorigan, G.A. and Howard, K. P.  (2015) Biochemistry, 54 (49), 7157.  

Influenza A M2 protein conformation depends on choice of model membrane. Saotome, K.*, Duong-Ly, K.* and Howard, K.P. (2015) Biopolymers. 104(4), 405.

C-terminal juxtamembrane region of the full-length M2 protein forms a membrane surface associated amphipathic helix.  Huang, S.*, Green, B.*, Thompson, M.*, Chen, R.*, Thomaston, J.*, DeGrado, W. and Howard, K.P. (2015) Protein Science. 24, 426.   (selected as a "Highlight" of the issue by the journal editors)

Detection of drug-induced conformational change of a transmembrane protein in lipid bilayers using site-directed spin labeling. Thomaston, J.L.*, Nguyen, P.A.*, Brown, E. C.*, Upshur, M.A.* ,Wang, J. DeGrado, W.F. and Howard, K. P. (2013) . Protein Science, 22 (1): 65. (selected as a "Highlight" of the issue by the journal editors)

pH-Induced Conformational Change of the Influenza M2 Protein C-Terminal Domain. Nguyen, P.A.*, Soto, C., Polishchuk, A., Caputo,G., Tatko, C., Ma, C., Ohigashi, Y., Pinto, L.H. DeGrado, W.F. and Howard, K.P. (2008) Biochemistry, 47, 9934.

Probing the phase behavior of membrane bilayers using 31P NMR Spectroscopy. Zee, B.* and Howard, K.P. (2007) in Modern Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Undergraduate Education, Edited by D. Rovnyak and R. Stockland, Jr. American Chemical Society Symposium Series, Oxford University Press.

The conformation of the pore region of the M2 proton channel depends on lipid bilayer environment. Duong-Ly, K*, Nanda, V., DeGrado, W. and Howard K.P. (2005) Protein Science, 14, 856.

Rotational orientation of monomers within a designed homo-oligomer transmembrane helical bundle. Howard, K.P., Liu, W., Crocker, E., Nanda, V., Lear, J., DeGrado, W.F. and Smith, S.O. (2005) Protein Science, 14, 1019.

Sequence determinants of the energetics of folding of a transmembrane four-helix-bundle protein. Howard, K.P., Lear, J.D., and DeGrado, W.F. (2002) Proceedings of the National Academy, 99(13), 8568.

NMR study of doxorubicin binding to cardiolipin containing magnetically oriented phospholipid bilayers. Parker, M.*, King, V.* and Howard, K.P. (2001) Biochimica Biophysica Acta; Biomembranes, 1514(2), 206.

Investigating Magnetically Aligned Phospholipid Bilayers with EPR Spectroscopy at 94 GHz. Mangels, M., Harper, A., Smirnov, A.I., Howard, K.P. and Lorigan, G.A. (2001) Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 151, 253.

Magnetically Aligned Phospholipid Bilayers at the Parallel and Perpendicular Orientations for X-Band Spin-Label EPR Studies. Cardon, T.B., Tiburu, E., Padmanabhan, A., Howard, K.P. and Lorigan, G.A. (2001) Journal of the American Chemical Society; 123(12), 2913.

Spectroscopic Characterization of Spin Labeled Magnetically Oriented Phospholipid Bilayers by EPR Spectroscopy. Mangels, M., Cardon, T., Harper, A. Howard, K.P. and Lorigan, G.A. (2000) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 122(29), 7052.

Thermodynamics of DNA Duplex Formation. Howard, K.P. (2000) Journal of Chemical Education, 77(11), 1469.

Pegylation of Magnetically Oriented Lipid Bilayers. King, V.* , Parker, M.* and Howard, K.P (2000) Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 142 (1), 177.

Magnetically Oriented Phospholipid Bilayers for Spin Label EPR Studies. Garber, S.M.*, Lorigan, G.A. and Howard, K.P. (1999) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 121, 3240.

High Resolution Solid State NMR of Integral Membrane Proteins Reconstituted into Magnetically Oriented Phospholipid Bilayers. Howard, K.P. and Opella, S.J. (1996) Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 112, 91.

Conformation of Sulfoquinovosyl Diacylglycerol at the Surface of Magnetically-Oriented Phospholipid Bilayers. Howard, K.P. and Prestegard, J.H. (1996), Biophysical Journal, 71, 2573.

Conformation and Dynamics of Digalactosyl Diacylglycerol. Howard, K.P. and Prestegard, J.H. (1996) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 118, 3345.

Conformation of Monogalactosyl Diacylglycerol at the Surface of Magnetically-Oriented Phospholipid Bilayers. Howard, K.P. and Prestegard, J.H. (1995) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 117, 5031.

Electrostatic Forces Contribute to Interactions Between trp repressor Dimers. Martin, K.S., Royer, C.A., Howard, K.P., Carey, J., Liu, Y., Matthews, K., Heyduk, E. and Lee, J.C. (1994) Biophysical Journal, 66, 1167.

NMR studies of ubiquinone location in oriented model membranes: Evidence for a single motionally-averaged population. Metz, G., Howard, K.P., van Liemt, W.B.S., Prestegard, J.H., Lugtenburg, J. and Smith, S.O. (1994) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 117, 564.

Magnetically-Oriented Phospholipid Micelles as a Tool for the Study of Membrane-Associated Molecules. Sanders, C.R., Hare, B., Howard, K.P. and Prestegard, J.H. (1993) Progress in NMR Spectroscopy, 26(5), 421.

Torsion Angle Analysis of Glycolipid Order at Membrane Surfaces. Hare, B.J., Howard, K.P. and Prestegard, J.H. (1993) Biophysical Journal 64, 392.

Three Dimensional 13C-13C Correlated Experiments on Oligosaccharides. Chung, J., Tolman, J.R., Howard, K.P. and Prestegard, J.H. (1993) Journal of Magnetic Resonance B., 102, 137.

Three Dimensional 1H-Detected 13C-13C Correlation Experiments for Carbon Backbone Assignments of Enriched Natural Products. Gosser, Y., Howard, K.P. and Prestegard, J.H. (1993) Journal of Magnetic Resonance B, 101, 126-133.