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Special Guests

Professional Performances

Each year the Dance Department hosts performances, residencies, lectures, and master classes with distinguished dance companies and experienced performers from around the world. We invite visiting performers to lead master classes in dance, host research panels on dance in academics, and share their choreography with student performance classes. Through funding from the on-campus William J. Cooper Foundation we also regularly sponsor visits by a wide variety of professional dance companies and individual artists, bringing between four and six per academic year. An effort is made to rotate genres represented so that over the course of four years students are able to develop literacy regarding individual cultural dance expressions as well as the relationships between them. Students are also encouraged to make proposals to the Cooper Foundation to sponsor groups of their interest.


Special Guests: Highlights 2019-20

Doug Varone and Dancers rehearsed and performed pieces from their repertory in the Fall 2019 Dance Concert alongside a group of student dancers.

Photo by by Erin Baiano
San Jose Taiko performs with drums.

San Jose Taiko performed and hosted master classes in February 2020, before the pandemic shutdown.

Photo by by Higashi Design
Samir Chatterjee plays the tabla.

Samir Chatterjee, tabla virtuoso and Founder-Director of CHHANDAYAN, along with a cohort of other singers and musicians, joined students for rehearsals in kathak and tabla in Fall 2019.

Photo by courtesy of Samir Chatterjee

Doug Varone and Dancers rehearsed and performed pieces from their repertory in the Fall 2019 Dance Concert alongside a group of student dancers.

Photo / by Erin Baiano
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