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Contact Us

staff sitting on porch of bcc

The Center's staff counsels, advises, and assists students and their organizations, and provides consultative services to other campus staff and student organizations.  The Director and Program Coordinator oversee the day-to-day operations of the Center. The staff is always open to students needing sound advice and strong support.

BCC Staff

Karima Bouchenafa

Asst Dean & Director, Black Cultural Center

Student Affairs


  1. Phone: (610) 328-8455
  2. Black Cultural Center (Robinson House)
Karima Bouchenafa

Simone Hayes - Walton

Program Coordinator, Black Cultural Center

Black Cultural Center

Student Affairs


  1. Phone: (610) 328-8456
  2. Black Cultural Center (Robinson House) 114
  3. Black Cultural Center (Robinson House) 114
Simone Hayes