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Study Abroad

The Asian Studies faculty can recommend academically rigorous study abroad programs in several Asian countries, often tailored to a student's particular interest. What follows is a partial list of both study abroad and summer intensive language programs in the U.S., approved for Asian Studies Majors and Minors. For more information, consult the suggested faculty, the Asian Studies Chair, or the Foreign Study Office.

Note: The availability of courses on Asian Languages at U.S. colleges and universities changes rapidly, and students looking for a summer course may find familiar programs have disappeared. In addition to the links below, a good general source is the Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL) Project, within in the University of Minnesota's Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA). LCTL maintains a searchable database of course offerings at colleges & universities as well as distance learning sources. Where can you learn Khmer or Mongolian? This database has the answers. The UCLA Language Materials Project has information on dictionaries, phrasebooks, and other materials for self-study.

See also: Study Abroad Asia WWW Virtual Library. This site aims to be a comprehensive list of study abroad programs in Asia, and lists several more than we list below. Not all of the programs on the list are known to us, and therefore not all are approved; but you are welcome to browse and then come see the Swarthmore Asian Studies faculty to discuss possible destinations.