The Ware Pool
The Ware Pool is a 10-lane by 10-lane pool, measuring yards by meters competition pool with an electric time system. In addition to being the home of the Swarthmore College men's and women's swimming teams, the pool is available to Swarthmore community OneCard holders during select hours through the year. Hours of operation.

The Matchbox
The Matchbox provides 21,000 square feet of space to support wellness, fitness, and theater programming at Swarthmore. Featuring ultramodern equipment, as well as areas for free weights and cardio training, the Matchbox supports Garnet athletics by providing appropriate space for sport-specific training. With a spacious multistory layout and additional user-friendly equipment, the center is a boon to the College’s blossoming wellness program, providing the necessary room and accessories for popular wellness initiatives such as yoga and Pilates. It also provides much-needed additional space to support the College’s theater program. In addition to classes, the Matchbox is able to accommodate small-scale performances, including staged readings and playwriting thesis projects. Visit the Matchbox site for more information, including hours of operation and rules and regulations for use of the Matchbox.