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Well-Being Lab

Well-Being Lab

Department Overview

Welcome to the Resilience and Well-Being Lab at Swarthmore College.

We study personal, interpersonal, and societal factors that contribute to social and emotional well-being. Research in the lab aims to increase the understanding of the factors that: 

  1. Increase risk for - or protect against - common psychological difficulties such as depression and anxiety, or

  2. Promote life satisfaction, meaning, and positive relationships.

Serveral of our projects focus on developing and evaluating school- and community-based programs that may prevent psychological difficulties and promote well-being in children, adolescents, young adults (e.g., college students), and the adults in their lives (especially parents and teachers).

Current Projects

College Stress and Coping Project

This project examines psychological well-being in young adults (college students). We are exploring a variety of personal (e.g., coping styles) and social factors that may affect well-being during the college years.

School-Based Depression Prevention for Adolescents

We are working on several projects that involve developing, implementing, and evaluating well-being programs for middle and high school students.

Strengths, Values, and Wellbeing Study

This project examines adults' values and the relationship of these values to their psychological well-being.

Maternal Attitudes and Wellness Project

This project focuses on mothers' well-being during pregnancy and post-partum.

Click here for more information about the study and how to participate.