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Ellen Ross

Howard M. and Charles F. Jenkins Professor of Quakerism & Peace Studies


Peace & Conflict Studies


  2. Phone: (610) 328-8691
  3. Pearson Hall 215
Professor Ellen Ross photo

Areas of Interest and Background

Ellen Ross is the Howard M. and Charles F. Jenkins Professor of Quakerism and Peace Studies. She specializes in Christian Traditions with particular interests in Quaker Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Gender Studies, medieval religious life and thought, and contemporary religious thought. She received her B.A. from Princeton University, and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago.


Ellen Ross’s current scholarship focuses on the field of Quaker Studies with interests in Peace and Conflict Studies. Recent publications include: “’The Great Spirit Hears All We Now Say’: Philadelphia Quakers and the Seneca, 1798-1850” in Ignacio Gallup-Diaz and Geoffrey Plank, eds., Quakers and Native Americans (Leiden: Brill, 2019), 115-135; “Letter 84,” in Andrea Weiss and Lisa Weinberger, eds., American Values, Religious Voices: 100 Days, 100 Letters  (Cincinnati, Ohio: University of Cincinnati Press, 2018); and “’Everything Depends Upon Going to the Root of the Matter and Speaking of Radical Principles’: Lucretia Mott (1793-1880) on Peace and the Transforming Power of Love,” Quaker History, 106 (2017): 1-29. 


Introduction to Christianity
FYS: Religion and the Meaning of Life
Religious Life and Thought in the Middle Ages
Christian Mysticism
Prison Letters: Religion and Transformation
Quakers Past and Present
Christian Visions of Self and Nature
Jesus in History, Literature, and Theology (seminar)