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Sustainability, Swarthmore Style

When Nadine Kolowrat, a member of the College's Sustainability Committee, signed up to take a Digital Storytelling Workshop, she thought she’d make a story about some of the members of the Swarthmore community who are helping the College "go green." In the process, she told a story that was more personal than she intended – but perhaps gets at the true heart of sustainability efforts, both on campus and in general. Some of the projects that Nadine mentions include an organic lawn project initiated by Nicole Lewis '02, Ralph Thayer’s energy-saving efforts, and other student-funded projects. After she completed this project, President Rebecca Chopp signed the President's Climate Commitment and, in October 2010, attended a national conference on campus sustainability with SusCom co-chair Professor of Engineering Carr Everbach and student representative and Green Advisor Yvonne Socolar '13.

Submissions Welcome

The Communications Office invites all members of the Swarthmore community to share videos, photos, and story ideas for the College's website. Have you seen an alum in the news? Please let us know by writing